OT: Who gets the last word?

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This is the best King Diamond song ever:

"Welcome to Burger King! May I take your order please?"

"I'll have a whopper with no pickleeeeeess and apple PIEEEE, I'll take it to go.."
Just got back from my friend's wedding...been friend's with him since high school, he even went to college here (at the nice college) so didn't ever lose touch with him. I'm at his parents' house so much, they call me their third son. So, which person at the rehearsal dinner gets left out of going to the bachelor party or even the wedding party? Ya, the one that played video games with him all night (while listening to him moan and wince about his broken kneecap) because he couldn't sleep through the pain. The one that drove him home from school in his car when he had an asthma attack (leaving my car at school). Out of the groomsmen and they were the only one's who went to the bachelor party, only 1 knew him longer, and that was his younger brother. And he didn't go to the bachelor party. The others were friends from the college in the last just over 3-4 years. So yeah, that was great. But I drank a bunch of wine both nights, and expensive as shit wine too! Took a girl to the wedding that didn't know liked Rammstein, but found out there. So we'll be watching my Rammstein dvd sometime soon.
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
He wouldent come to Canada! you lot couldent handle his set of metal!!!! :D
Perhaps we don't know our metal, but at least we're not (anymore) governed by a blue-colored-dress old hag that waves her hand to the cheering masses from out of her Rolls-Royce. You know who I'm talkin' 'bout right? Yes, the one whose grand-son's poster hangs on your wall, prince moshing wussy.

Now let's see if you roastbeefs can take a joke! ;)
Don't diss King Diamond, please and thank you.
When I was driving my buddy Charlie Benante back from a mall in St. Louis, I had him go through my CDs.
Which one did he put in on the way back from the mall?????
Mercyful Fate: Melissa :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
This album kicks so much ass. King Diamond does in fact own!
mental if i give you an american dollar can you clean my house for a year????

King diamond is the metal god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! halford isent the king is!!!!!!!!

Brat can i have those pic's please!!!!!!!!!!!

Is there any other music style that blows more than hip hop?????
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