OT: Who gets the last word?

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Every once in a while I run out of dishwasher soap and have to do a few loads by hand until I get to the store, and I can't think of a bigger waste of time. If it was just me, or just me and the man, I'd be fine. But I've always got a load of laundry that needs folding, or some spot on the carpet that needs scrubbing, or a child who thinks she's starving to death, and I hate just being stuck at the sink when there's other things to be done.
They're too young yet. Although if I'm cleaning something up (Mega Bloks, dolls, whatever), Tonya will come over and pick one or two things up and put them away. Joe only cleans something up when I tell him Spongebob is going night-night and never waking up.
Yeah. Cause conversations around here are like:

"That's it! The Wiggles are going back to Australia!!"

"Spongebob is going night-night. He might come back tomorrow, if this living room is picked up and your room is clean."

And you have to keep a straight face the whole time.
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