OT: Who gets the last word?

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I don't want to have them scoped. Or anything else. I hate doctors.

I was told it's a degenerative disorder, I can do things to "ease discomfort" but it will get worse and the only cure is replacement, which would be the last resort. Having it drained repeatedly would take place before that, and I could be 40+ before I need to even start that. So I just take some Motrin and go on with my day (because I hate doctors).

Did you injure it or something?
So I was thinking about seeing Calendar Girls with my best friend because we've both been seeing trailers for it and she wants to see it (without knowing why I want to see it ;) ) and guess where it's not playing?? Yeah. Arizona. I guess since I'm not "special" enough to live in NY or L.A., I have to wait for it to come to video.

Bastards. :mad:
New Year's Day, according to the trailer I saw today. I hope Harkins is going to carry it, even though it's not listed on their site, because every other theater chain here sucks.

I just like something rant about, in case you didn't notice. :)

Wow, two movies within a month. I'd better slow down.
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