OT: Who gets the last word?

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Hmmm...Well, my dickhead father-in-law is at it again.

He told my sister-in-law last night that he "finally has granddaughters now" because his illegitimate daughter is adopting two little girls. How you can adopt babies (that young, but any age regardless) when you're strung out on anti-depressants and can't handle the two you already have is beyond me, but I guess it's possible in the state of Michigan. So basically, my daughter, who is his actual blood and has been alive for more than a year, doesn't count, and these two adopted ones from the daughter he got out of having an affair, do.
I have no idea how he got this far in life, but he's got a hell of a lot of bad karma stored up and it's bound to slap him silly one of these days.

Oh, and I forgot to mention this one: The night before he talked all this shit to my sister-in-law, he called here and told my husband they're (he and his third wife that wrecked his other two marriages) coming here in October and asked if they could stay at our house. My husband told him yes, and then after he hung up, he said, "You don't mind, do you?" :Smug:
I forgot it awhile ago and had it reset which changes it to a random #. Then I changed it, but not to what I thought I used. Anyway, I finally figured it out, took me all morning, and I'm going back to my universal I'll never forget it one. :D
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I have no idea how he got this far in life, but he's got a hell of a lot of bad karma stored up and it's bound to slap him silly one of these days.

Oh, and I forgot to mention this one: The night before he talked all this shit to my sister-in-law, he called here and told my husband they're (he and his third wife that wrecked his other two marriages) coming here in October and asked if they could stay at our house. My husband told him yes, and then after he hung up, he said, "You don't mind, do you?" :Smug:
Lovely. Lalalalalalala Lovely. Spit in his coffee for me too. And to his home-breaker wife, mix in laxatives in her platter. I'm sure she'll thank you for it later! ;)
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