OT: Who gets the last word?

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I think West Texas would be cool. Because it Borders New Mexico. I like the desert, so the Drive from Cali Desert to West Texas is cool to me. CA to AZ to NM to TX. Basically I like the western US but it gets cold in States like WY and ID. Rieth your young maybe you should hit up Austin.
DarbysDad said:
It's hot because you live there right. :D

Naturally, you silly man. ;)

On a (very)side note: If you ever need to get a new cell phone w/o a fucking phone service plan (You know, myphonesbrokeIalreadyhaveserviceI'minacontratIcan'tgetoutofsoIJUSTWANTAFUCKINGPHONE :yell: ) go to Best Buy. If you find another place, don't tell me. :bah:

Yes. I feel better now. :D
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