OT: Who gets the last word?

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I hate when I have a chance to sleep in but I get woke up then I have to care of something then by the time I finish what I'm doing then I'm wide awake making coffee or going to get donuts and hot choclate.
Yeah that sucks. Or when for once in his life my husband gets up with the kids, but I lay there wide awake for no real reason. Or if I happen to get both the kids down at the same time, and I lay there wide awake and only doze off about 10 minutes before one (or both of them) wakes up. That shit just sucks.
What book is that?

As for Best Buy, it's one of my 2 favorite stores. The other is Barnes And Noble. I only ask for help at Best Buy if can't find a dvd I'm looking for, just to see if they'd have it. Which they usually don't if I can't find it. Beyond that, screw getting help.

Maiden, as for the phone, I forgot to tell you about that, if you really want a new phone (or need one cause yours falls in some water for some reason) go back to your cell provider store and they'll get you a really good for for a good price with another 1 year contract. I was going to do that with my Sprint phone. Still might actually.
NOW you tell me. :Smug:
And Best Buy still blows. :p Where have you been this week? Off work again?

bRaT~How scarry was that book? Where I live I don't know if I could handle scarry. :erk:
Woo-hoo! 4 day weekend!

I called in sick today, and I'll be calling in sick tomorrow! :D
FUCK the corporation. I used to feel a little guilty calling is sick (even when I was sick), not today!
I think I'll change the oil in my truck. Maybe go to a movie or something.
The ending of Rose Madder blew. It was good up until that point. It was so predictable I wanted to slap someone. Haven't gotten to From a Buick 8 yet, that's on my list from dear Mr. Snide.

Hey Tad! Riehlthing is almost done with Wolves...AGAIN!!! What do you have to say for yourself now, huh????????
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