OT: Who gets the last word?

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I don't know, but the dots and the post counts are gone. They're still in your profile, but who the hell wants to keep checking? I barely check my own, let alone everyone else's.

It's not that I had weird dreams, it was just that I couldn't get to sleep, then I'd wake up and not be able to get back to sleep again.

Although this week my husband and I have both had nightmares about Tonya. In his, we were at someplace that was on the second floor but there wasn't anything blocking the edge, and she walked right off and by the time he got to her she wasn't breathing. He woke up out of a dead sleep and had to run to her room to check on her.

In mine, she ran off to play and when I went to check on her, she was holding a scorpion, thinking it was a toy or something.
I didn't realize counts were gone too??!! Weird. I'll be pissed if I finally made it to 100 points to get that f'ing dot and then they don't even show em any more. Which movie is Out of TIme, Riehl? I've seen parts of Knight's Tale. We're gonna try to watch CSI from last nite or CSI Miami from Monday if wifey doesn't have to go into work.

Brat, those dreams suck! I hate having bad dreams about my kids. Quite honestly, the only thoing that even scares me anymore is bad dreams about my kids. It's amazing how they change your outlook on life!
Yeah, that one is the only one where I woke up really panicked about it. I guess I woke up before she got stung or anything, but I remember the smile she had on her face when she held it up to show me. Something straight out of a SK book, I tell ya.

Wait a minute, there's my problem. Thanks a lot, Tad!!! :mad:

Anyway, if I ever had a bad one about Joey, I don't remember it. It just freaked me out that I had one right after my husband did, but him telling me about his is probably what planted the seed for mine. Not that that makes you feel any better at 3 in the morning, though.
Thanks R. I guess I could have checked out IMDB to find out too. Enjoy!!!!


Yeah, i am just happy when I wake up and I am in bed and all is well in the world. I woke up with a bad dream myself last nite but no longer remember it!

I'm doing a book by Nora Roberts right now--Another serial lkiller book. I swear 80% of the books I read are about total psychos/serial killers. I think I could start profiling!!
I want to see The Order, mostly because Heath Ledger is yummy (hence my watching A Knight's Tale and 10 Things I Hate About You repeatedly). But also, my church newspaper condemned it, making it all the more appealing. :D

I'm 50 pages into Fellowship and about 5 pages into It. Yeah, I'm reading two 1000+ page books at a time (LOTR all in one book). So I'm busy for a while. Good thing I can renew library books online, or I'd owe a small fortune in late fees. :)
I took this quiz online one time that was "What Kind of Catholic Are You?" It said I was the type that would find Dogma entertaining. Which I totally did. Except I think the quiz was trying to say that's a bad thing, but I don't see it that way.

Any time I read about a movie they have a problem with, I see it and end up liking it a lot.
Dogma was great! It made so much sense to me. I know it is just a movie, but it is how I see religion sometimes, or most of the time. I am not athiest, even though I am starting to believe I should be.
I just finished reading the Silmarillion... for the 3rd time in the last 12 months! what a great book and it makes a terrific background for all that happens in LOTR.
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