OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I'm inching my way through Fellowship at the moment. And I started It yesterday. Yep, that's me, living it up.

Here's a book you shouldn't ever want to read to your kids...

bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I totally believe you. :rolleyes:

I finished my book. I'm reading Wizard and Glass now.

Out of Time was good, but I had a hard time seeing Denzel as a not quite good guy. He wasn't really bad, but not the good guy he normally is.

bRaT~How far are you into the Fellowship?
I just finished Dolores Clabourne, decent book. Only Bag of Bones and Cycle of the Werewolf and I've read all of the SK books. I have Thinner to read of RB. And some short stories, haven't read every short story.
I am about 60 pages into Fellowship - Frodo's on his way out of the Shire and they just hid from the Ringwraith (and have no idea what he is).

And I'm just barely into It, Bill is making George's paper boat.

I liked Delores Claiborne, but wasn't too thrilled with Gerald's Game.

Bag of Bones was really good until the end. I didn't like the ending for some reason. I remember being really pissed off when I finished.

But I have to re-read it...it's one of the books on Mr. Snide's list. :rolleyes:

So is Cycle, but let me finish one pile at a time, thank you very much.
I don't own Cycle of the Werewolf, but have every other one except Thinner. Dolores barely connects to Salem's Lot, and since it does, barely, and it connects Gerald's Game, only one I have trouble with is From A Buick 8. If anything, it mentions Horlicks University, and that's where Arnie Cunningham's parents' taught in Christine.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I am about 60 pages into Fellowship - Frodo's on his way out of the Shire and they just hid from the Ringwraith (and have no idea what he is).QUOTE]

My wife got me a deluxe edition of LOTR for Christmas. It has all three books, is illustrated, has a ribbon bookmark. Pretty sweet version. Anyway, I just got to the point where Frodo crosses the river and the wraiths get swept away by the water. That ends Book I, I'm assuming Book II will begin with him waking up in Rivendell, although I am already noticing that the book is WAY different from the movie. Lots of stuff got cut or is changed a bit.

I got it from the library. It has all three books in it. The only illustrations are the maps, and no ribbons. I've also noticed a lot different already.

I really shouldn't be reading-I have to have a blanket finished in just over a week. But I have a hard time keeping my nose out of a book if one is handy.
I think so. It has a blue dust jacket with gold runes at the top and bottom. Illustrations by Alan Lee. I think she found it for $70 at Barnes & Noble. The only problem, it's so nice, I am afraid to read it so I won't mess it up. It will take me longer to read than it would otherwise. Usually, I read while I eat, while I watch TV, etc. With this one, I only read when I can sit down undisturbed with it, which means at night when the kids are in bed.

Riehlthing said:
I don't own Cycle of the Werewolf, but have every other one except Thinner. Dolores barely connects to Salem's Lot, and since it does, barely, and it connects Gerald's Game, only one I have trouble with is From A Buick 8. If anything, it mentions Horlicks University, and that's where Arnie Cunningham's parents' taught in Christine.
Hmmmm...I don't remember Delores having anything to do with Salem's Lot, but I really don't remember Salem's Lot at all. I'll have to re-read that one of these days, I guess. I'll probably get to it after I move, because I already own it and there's no library anywhere near the house yet. Will give me something to do later then.

I do remember the connection to Gerald's Game, because I believe I read them one right after the other, or close together. That was about 10 years ago. I remember I was camping and felt like puking when she got herself out of the cuffs....
SCott308 said:
I think so. It has a blue dust jacket with gold runes at the top and bottom. Illustrations by Alan Lee. I think she found it for $70 at Barnes & Noble. The only problem, it's so nice, I am afraid to read it so I won't mess it up. It will take me longer to read than it would otherwise. Usually, I read while I eat, while I watch TV, etc. With this one, I only read when I can sit down undisturbed with it, which means at night when the kids are in bed.

If I couldn't read while watching TV, I'd never get either done. I feel much better about myself when I'm multi-tasking. :dopey:
It's a very loose connection. Dolores mentions a town in Southern Maine where everyone disappeared in and it's deserted. That's was during the day of the eclipse while she was telling Andy about how the town felt. She said the town felt how that town must have felt. Like said above, very loose connection.
You guys are too smart for me. I is a college graduate. Its hard for me to get thru long books so I stick to short stories and Novellas\Novelletes. Different Seasons I enjoyed. I read all of the stories while on Jury Duty in college. And I can't think of the title but Kings short story connection with like 30 stories in it were cool. Somewhere in the house are all 7 books from the Green Mile. Thats next to read I guess.
I'm not thanking Tad for a while yet, thank you (although I did thank him for The Stand and I didn't think that would happen, either). Maybe after I dig myself out of this pile I will appreciate it more, but right now I feel a bit overwhelmed.
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