OT: Who gets the last word?

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I think what Brat was referring to is the fact that Buddy doesn't post nearly as much as some people on here, but he is very well known for one comment he made that has caused him to be picked on for it. As a result, he is infamous. If you read people's signatures, the quote about missing Dan Spitz is in a signature, but I don't remember whose.

I think she was tryin to get at if I was one of those people who is a shit talker. Someone who gets on everyones nerves, or if I was someone who brought intresting topics, and had valuble things to say.I'd say I am a lil of both. I do my share of shit talkin and also from time to time, have intresting things to say. Not offten but I am sure at some time I have. lol

And yes Brat I know you never have me any shit over the Spitz shit.
Riehlthing said:
Morning, back from Portland, and my computer is fixed, for the most part. Still got something left to do on my home computer to get it working right again...more $$$$ damnit.
I feel your pain. My hard drive just took a poop on my home computer (Western Digital can lick my ass!), so I had to reload all my programs and drivers. And for some stupid reason, my printer driver is not working right. I keep getting all these weird symbols instead of what I want. I really don't want to deal with it either right now...I'll just do all my printing at work.
Oh, I hate printers. I work tech support, and have troubleshot printers, those blow. I can never fix them. I can fix an internet connection usually (almost always). And do some hardware fixes. I know enough to get in trouble and barely out of it in regards to hardware.
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