OT: Who gets the last word?

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mentalmeltdown said:
Soccer is the best sport in the world after Ice hockey. Period.

After hockey, and football, and baseball, and basketball, and lacrosse, and rugby, and tennis, and swimming, and badminton, and tiddleywinks... But I rank it above golf. Slightly below bowling, though. They should just skip the game and go straight to the shootout, as that seems to be the way most games are decided, anyway.

hey, would you rather have a guy with confidence, or someone who doesn't have confidence?
I prefer confidence myself. and when you look at play, I thought at first that it was him that fucked up, turns out the receiver didn't read the blitz, so he ran a 7 yard route, instead of the 5 yard route that would've taken him in front of the cornerback. so not the qb's fault on that one. just like a week later, brett favre in ot threw that interception. first watching, looks like it was all brett's fault. watched the play a day later, and they showed that brett threw the ball when the receiver was running a go route, but right as brett released, the receiver went to a post route.

qb - wr mistakes. but yeah, confidence is the way to go. and with how things were going, why wouldn't he be confident? now the seahawks d is improving, watch out this year. and hopefully seattle will pick up trotter who just got released from the 'skins.
Hey DD, is Mike Williams going to be able to play for SC this year? I know he didn't hire an agent, but he did stop going to class so he has a pretty good amount of work to make up to maintain academic eligability. Of course, that is irrelevent if the NCAA doesn't clear him for declaring himself for the draft. I hope they let him play, since at the time he declared, it was legal for him to do so. Unfortunately for him, instead of being a top 5 pick, the courts reversed the decision. Now he may end up being screwed overall; although, at the time, players that declared were told that there could be repercussions for doing so if the ruling was overturned. So he was warned that he may not be able to return to school if he didn't get drafted.

Ahhh. Just under three months 'til college football. :headbang:


NP: Opeth - Still Life
Scott - from what I understand he hired an agent but had to give any compensation back to the agent to petition the NCAA and the PAC10 to possibly play next year. He said the other day, on LA Radio 1540 the Ticket, he started the process(paperwork) to come back but it's not a sure thing. We'll see. I love college football. October Rules. College football all day Saturday and MLB playoffs in the evening. :headbang:
DarbysDad said:
Scott - from what I understand he hired an agent but had to give any compensation back to the agent

Yeah, I remember hearing that now that you mention it.

I love college football. October Rules. College football all day Saturday and MLB playoffs in the evening. :headbang:

I agree with you completely on this one. My wife knows not to try to schedule anything on Saturdays during football season, especially when Michigan is playing. It would be grounds for divorce if she tried to get me to do something during the Notre Dame or Ohio State games. :D Actually, we moved from Michigan to Wisconsin two years ago on the day of the Notre Dame game, so I missed it. :cry: And to top it off, Michigan ended up losing. :cry:


NP: Opeth - Still Life
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