OT: Who gets the last word?

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my new job was cool. WAS is the key word. former head boss at my last job came over, and she doesn't like me, so me and this other guy (who she also doesn't like) have gotten the shaft. pretty much people from my last job have started migrating here somewhat. some were cool, others not. so it went to the shitter almost. Almost to where might consider just getting job in sporting goods for local wal-mart here and working there until I can get working for Swift trucks. Know the person who is head of the sporting goods, and he's pretty cool guy.

other than that, life's so so. I took the Tues Wed off from work following Labor Day (my birthday is the Tuesday), so plan on possibly getting drunk out of my gourd Tuesday night in Portland. Or maybe might come home.

And picking up Megadeth cds too. The remastered. Finished the S. King books I need to read, only one remains, Dark Tower. My friend's dad has started a thing where he picks a book for me, and I pick one for him. Read "Life of Pi", decent read. Now reading the "Meditations of Marcus Aurelius." Case you haven't noticed off those 2 books, he likes serious books. I'm starting him on Silmarillion, then going to start with some King.

and after all that rambling, I'm taking the last word back.
Hopefully you'll be able to get in on the trucks soon. And there is nothing wrong with serious books. I enjoy reading them occasionally. I've heard that "Life of Pi" is pretty good from a couple sources now. Might have to give it a read.

Yeah, hopefully. And today it was great. A couple weeks ago, I had concerns about what we were going to be doing soon. I said it was going to cause problems. The boss that doesn't like me said, "I need a CAN DO attitude out of you. Don't want that it's going to cause issues." So today, it blew up what I had said would happen. But, someone else caught it, and the boss was all peachy to them. Don't you hate when you're right in predicting something would happen, and you had been pretty much bitch slapped because you had brought it up originally. So the 2 guys that have the most experience out of any of them there in answering phone calls and working customer service don't get listened to.

Oh well, work blows, otherwise it wouldn't be work, right? Might have to try applying in Portland again.

Oh, Madden 2005 rules by the way. I might have to head out drinking tonight or something. Dunno yet.
nafnikufesin said:
Holy crap...I would have expected that you'd have past 10000 in this thread by now...what's taking so long?

How's everyone been?
It's cause I'm not here full-time to keep the party going. That's my guess anyway.

My husband had back surgery 12 days ago (six discs repaired) and needs to have at least one more operation when that's healed up, giving him an indefinite amount of time at home. Right now I can't tell who I hate more, doctors or insurance companies. Probably insurance companies. :erk:

Anyway, kids are getting big, and are now quite good at fighting with each other. And that includes lots of screaming. In fact, I saw the doctor last week to get some decent headache medicine. No buzz though, dammit.

I'm heading back to work sometime this week, as my drug test results should be on someone's desk right now, to be read in the morning. Other than getting my husband better without killing him, and keeping the kids from killing each other, there's not a whole lot going on.

As for updates, since going offline, I've read (and re-read, in most cases) It, Insomnia, Bag of Bones, Christine, the Dead Zone, Salem's Lot, and Dreamcatcher. I'm currently working on Misery, to be followed by The Tommyknockers and Cujo.
kids are getting big, and are now quite good at fighting with each other.

The more they fight now, the closer they'll be later.

Once, me and my sister fought from one end of the house to the other. I'm talking fists, scratching, biteing, I even knocked her down onto her bed and started to choke her. Good times.

Now, I couldn't love her more.
Then think about it this way.

Eventually, she's going to start dating, but since you had them so close together when she does her brother will be perfectly of age to scare of the boys who aren't good enough for her. Them fighting now will be good expierence for then.
If you want to talk about fighting between brothers or brothers getting each other in trouble, try this. Friend of mine has gotten arrested 3 times in his life, 2 of those were because of his younger brother who doesn't look like him but always says he doesn't have his wallet and gives his older brother's name. Cops around here know him, but no one else does outside of around here. In June, they had a fight, the younger threw a rock at the ground, bounced up and hit his older brother in the head in just the right spot (wrong actually, as it turns out) where the older brother had a hairline fracture. Left side of his head (he's right handed, and one of the right handers where most of his function is right there in the left side of the brain) so he lost all function pretty much and just dropped. They took him to hospital here, he was having seisures and he actually had a heartattack and was dead for a short time before he was revived and was flown to Seattle. Had a 6% chance of even living through the week. They had to remove part of his skull because his brain swelled up so much (he still hasn't gotten the other part of his skull back, that surgery is in less than a month). He got back down here around the end of July. Slurred speech (which will eventually go away according to doctors), trouble remembering specific things (also supposed to come back). But he's supposed to have a 95+% recovery. He might stutter once in awhile, but not very often.

So, the fighting your kids are doing probably can't compare to that. Or another set of brothers I know.

Anyways, any one have some Anthrax pictures? I'm redo'ing my webpage, and wanted to add some Anthrax pictures. Not just band pictures, but like logo's or other stuff.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
My husband had back surgery 12 days ago (six discs repaired) and needs to have at least one more operation when that's healed up,

What the hell did he do to his back? Is he getting it fused? Also, did he have an orthopod or neurosurgeon do it?

SCott308 said:
What the hell did he do to his back? Is he getting it fused? Also, did he have an orthopod or neurosurgeon do it?

He's had a juvenile degenerative disorder, and then he fell at work. They didn't fuse the discs because it leaves the back too unstable, and open for further (and more serious) injury later on. So they left the ruptured discs in and cleared out the debris from the nerves. He had extensive nerve damage. It was done by a neurosurgeon, who plans to work on his thoracic spine next.

Thanks, DD!
Tell him we wish him well, I have a disc prob and know that it sucks.

What work are you going back to? The drug test thing kind of suprised me, a throw-back to my airport/ FAA reg's days.
Well, remember saying how my job was going to the shitter? More than that, it went to the shitter. I was laid off today, and the reason was "I was incapatable" with the job when it was one of the easiest jobs I've ever done and was having no problems. Oh well, they said they won't fight unemployment, and I was going to Portland this weekend anyways, so going to job hunt there for a couple weeks.
Sorry to hear about your job man. That sucks. Enjoy your time off. I have some anthrax pics for you if you like, where do I send em too.

Riehlthing said:
Well, remember saying how my job was going to the shitter? More than that, it went to the shitter. I was laid off today, and the reason was "I was incapatable" with the job when it was one of the easiest jobs I've ever done and was having no problems. Oh well, they said they won't fight unemployment, and I was going to Portland this weekend anyways, so going to job hunt there for a couple weeks.
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