OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
My husband will tell you it was made for porn. And nothing else. :)

I'm busy laughing at my sister's wedding registry. Somehow I got roped into being maid of honor, when I'd rather not even be a guest. And I think letting my kids be in the wedding party is gift enough, thank you very much.

Give her a toaster.

I have to go and do one of those registry things one of these days.
DarbysDad said:
Hey Brat, Are you saying your sisters wedding was made for porn? :D
Har, har.

I'm allowing my kids to be in her wedding party, that should be gift enough. I also volunteered to make one of the cakes, but that was more because I want to experiment with this recipe that I found, and I'd rather use his family as guinea pigs than my own. Oops, outloud voice.

The whole wedding concept pisses me off because first of all, this guy is such a jackass, none of you would believe anything that I told you about him without actually meeting him. And second, my sister is getting a bridal shower, PLUS my parents are paying for everything, meanwhile I didn't even get a reception because my parents didn't pay for shit. Which I know sounds a little whiney, but my sister is acting like all of this is her birthright or some shit.

And if she doesn't stop lying about going to school, I'm going to knock her teeth out!

Okay, now I am done.
Let me know if you need any cipro for the hubby and kids. Because I know you and I and all the other board members would be immune to any Anthrax infection.
Gee Brat, your future brother-in-law sounds similiar to my sorry-ass excuse for one. He has three kids, works part-time at Pizza Hut (he's been going "back to school" for years now), and spends all their money on Magic and Yu-gi-oh cards.

And speaking of Anthrax at weddings, I need to figure a way to have them played at my reception. I could slip it in during the cocktail hour. Nothing says "I Love You!" like What Doesn't Die. I also plan on sending the band an invitation. Some people send one to the pope or president, but I say nuts to that!!
Oh this guy, I have no idea where to start. I mean, it's just sad. He has to be involved in every conversation there is. He spends all of his time playing games on his phone. He makes sure that they have digital cable, and THREE cell phones, and yet he has no job. He doesn't speak, he yells. It's like there's no volume control on him or something. He interrupts every person who tries to talk, and I've given up on calling my sister because he's always yelling something stupid in the background. And I've just barely touched on what I don't like about him.

Now my sister, on the other hand, has been "going back to school" for two years now, and yet has never even registered for a class. And of course she blames everyone else. A school in Florida "lost" her registration AND payment (yeah, they're gonna lose their own money, sure). And at least a year was wasted because she "didn't know" that you could walk in and register in person, that it didn't have to be done online. I don't know which is worse, the crap that comes out of her mouth, or the fact that my parents buy it. Currently, she has a "grant" that is set up for January, and yet she hasn't had to sign anything yet.

Since I have a student loan of my own, and went through the same school she's going through, I know firsthand all of the steps you have to take and there's no way she's gotten past the second one. It's just not possible. There's too much paperwork, too many copies needed, and they don't fund in the middle of the year. But I'M the one talking out of my ass.
Damn...families suck.
Dad's side of the family, half of it loves Kerry, the other half likes Bush...so anytime politics is mentioned, family warfare. My dad likes to just about piss everyone off, grandpa is suffering from Alzheimers, but grandma is doing fine. They're going to move to a retirement community near my aunt and uncle (which happens to be by where I am now) and everyone in the family, except my dad thinks it's a good thing. He doesn't want them to move, because he likes the house they have up in Port Townsend (really great in summer to be there, but not very good for winter).
Then mom's side, well, they're just about all rednecks, so nuff said.

Rem, if it's your wedding, can't you play what you want? 2 of my friends, when they got married, they got Metallica to be played and AC/DC...the AC/DC was at a super nice country club, and everyone was shocked to hear AC/DC, and see me, barely able to stand, go charging into the mosh pit and knock everyone down.

Brat, you gonna get Anthrax pic on the wedding cake, huh?
3 cell phones, Yugio, what's up with in-laws because I don't know. My brother in law is about as useful as tits on a boar hog. At one point he rather live in his car then live in a hotel that had a communtiy bathroom. :Spin: bitching about a accomdations when he doesn't have dime one. I know he'll end up on disability living off my paycheck one day. Great use of my Social Security dollars.
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