OT: Who gets the last word?

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Miltbrand said:
Yeah, we never got over the defeat in 1658, where we lost Skåne, Halland and Blekinge, and were forced to 'Roskildefreden'!

But you did do some bad sportsmanship by going over the Storebælt ice and ambushing us! ;)

Ah, I guess we´ll just have to remember the Union back in, what was it, the 13th century, when we ruled over both Sweden and Norway...:D

Yeah... that was some bad-ass union not this EC pansy fruit union. We should do it again, with all the knights and counts and dukes and shit!

Bad sportsmanship ey? Like the Stockholm bloodbath? o_O
Arg_Hamster said:
I support all the heavy metalization of future generations!

If I can get someone to scan them I will post wedding pics of mine. Every shot of our children has them giving "the horns." My daughter raged out and air guitared to Enter Sandman. Priceless. I am so proud!!
nafnikufesin said:
Well, your last 2 posts have been after 11:30, it's just the one at 7:30 this morning that made me feel kind of like an alcoholic :D

You know, I've had people ask me if I have a drinking problem. I just tell 'em "Nope. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem. I got it down to 3 easy steps. Fuck that 12 step shit."
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