OT: Who gets the last word?

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Yeah, I am going to be out again this summer. We will have to try and imbibe in some alcoholic beverages then:kickass: . I usually try and plan on attending a concert in Milwaukee when I'm out there so maybe we can meet up at a metal show or something.
I thought it was the Goonies but Patrick Stewart was throwing me off. I had to watch that movie with some little kids back in 86 or 87 when I worked at a yacht club.
Goonies is a classic!

Yeah, might as well delay it for a year or two more. They learn cuss words soon enough(at least I did). I remember getting my mouth washed out with soap for calling my brother a "stupid ass honky" when I was five. I had no idea what it meant other than it sounded cool:lol: .
I wonder if getting your mouth washed out with soap will have the same effect these days, now that they have all these fancy smelling soaps like cherry and orange and bubble gum. Or else using the alcohol hand sanitizer...yeah, get the kids drunk if they swear, that'll teach'em to stop swearing
MyHatred said:
Yeah, might as well delay it for a year or two more. They learn cuss words soon enough(at least I did). I remember getting my mouth washed out with soap for calling my brother a "stupid ass honky" when I was five. I had no idea what it meant other than it sounded cool:lol: .
You mean your brother "vomit"?
MyHatred said:
Back from badger land. It really sucked driving on the Dan Ryan Freeway in Chicago. I was backed up in traffic for what seemed like forever yesterday. That shit sucked, especially driving a stick. I don't know how you deal with the crazy drivers on a daily basis, Rem?

I try to avoid the Dan Ryan at all costs. They are doing some major reconstruction and it's fucking up all the expressways into the city. Thankfully, I don't have to deal with that anymore. My new job is in the northern suburbs. i used to have to take either 290 or 90 into work everyday. It sucked ass.

next time you do a road trip to WI, I'll give you some alternative routes so you won't be stuck in that shit. The construction will be going on until '08, I think.
remington69 said:
next time you do a road trip to WI, I'll give you some alternative routes so you won't be stuck in that shit. The construction will be going on until '08, I think.

I think next time I am going to be travelling on the Lake Express instead and having my brother pick me up in Milwaukee. Drinking a pint of Macallan, blasting my headphones and checking out Lake Michigan sounds so much more relaxing than being bumper to bumper in traffic. It only takes an 1 1/2 hours going by boat instead of the 5 1/2 hours it takes me driving there and it would be only 30 dollars more for a round trip ticket than what I would spend on gas. Getting buzzed and not having my blood pressure go through the roof is totally worth the extra 30 bucks. Thanks though:headbang:
Yeah, Joey was born at a good time of year. I remember watching a Red Wings playoff game in the hospital. It was an ABC game, because we all know hospitals don't get ESPN.

Arizona is forunate enough to not have to stop construction during the winter. And yet it doesn't speed up completion time one bit.

Our pediatrician told us to use liquid soap as opposed to bar soap because it's harder to get out of the mouth completely, but we've never had to use either one on either kid. One area that we actually got off easy on. If they ever repeated something, we just said "That's not a Joey word" and never heard it again. I don't know how it works but I don't complain. My nephew walked around saying "Fuck" for a year and a half.
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