OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
The good news...Antonio is feeling better. The bad news...now Amanda has the flu :cry:

That really sucks. Is she puking? There's nothing worse than a kid who doesn't understand how to puke in the toilet yet.

I came down with some sort of virus that is reaking havoc on my nasal passages. It sucks. I have a constant stream of snot, and the meds I take for my allergies aren't doing the trick.
nafnikufesin said:
Yeah, she's puking. So was Antonio, and he's not usually able to make it to the toilet in time either. We've had to wash the same blankets about a15 times in the past few days.

Yeah, that's the best. Not only are you taking care of them and dealing with the whining, and finding creative ways to get them to eat or drink anything, but then you have 20 loads of laundry to do. I've been lucky with them not getting sick very often, but Joey starts school in July and I'm sure he'll bring all kinds of crap home.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Yeah, that's the best. Not only are you taking care of them and dealing with the whining, and finding creative ways to get them to eat or drink anything, but then you have 20 loads of laundry to do. I've been lucky with them not getting sick very often, but Joey starts school in July and I'm sure he'll bring all kinds of crap home.
We had to force fluid into Antonio any way possible. We can't get Amanda to stop drinking, but she just keeps puking it up. Good times.
Woo Hoo! Got my paycheck today for my first week on the new job, and my last paycheck for my old job also. And, hubby got paid today too. Lots of $$ in the checking account at the moment. But, it'll go away soon due to mortgage, credit cards, student loans, etc. Being an adult sucks hard.
Tell me about it - I was like should I tranfer money from a savings to brokerage account today and was like shit one more tranfer will cost $10. I'm such an old cheap bastard.
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