OT: Who gets the last word?

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nafnikufesin said:
How long have you been married? How's the blisters on the palms? :lol:

a year and a half...and I use lotion...HAHA! Nah, we just had a baby in September and for some reason hormones are not quite right yet with her. She breast feeds, so...yeah. Any other women encounter this (weird hormones) for so long after birth? She is a little concerned but the doc says "this is normal to an extent."
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
a year and a half...and I use lotion...HAHA! Nah, we just had a baby in September and for some reason hormones are not quite right yet with her. She breast feeds, so...yeah. Any other women encounter this (weird hormones) for so long after birth? She is a little concerned but the doc says "this is normal to an extent."
Hormones may be off until after she finishes breastfeeding, as breastfeeding stimulates a hormone called prolactin, which can in turn have effects on LH and FSH which regulate estrogen and progesterone.

Either that, or her hormones may never really recover until your child becomes an adult and moves out :lol:
nafnikufesin said:
Hormones may be off until after she finishes breastfeeding, as breastfeeding stimulates a hormone called prolactin, which can in turn have effects on LH and FSH which regulate estrogen and progesterone.

Reading that, I was flooded with memories from my Reproductive Physiology course. Nothing like my 60+ year old prof talking about vaginas. I tried not to laugh in every class.

BTW- Not only do I have an interview tomorrow, but I got a call for another interview Monday! Woo Hoo!
nafnikufesin said:
Hormones may be off until after she finishes breastfeeding, as breastfeeding stimulates a hormone called prolactin, which can in turn have effects on LH and FSH which regulate estrogen and progesterone.

Either that, or her hormones may never really recover until your child becomes an adult and moves out :lol:

thanks! I think. I told her what ya said and she just kinda looked at me funny and said "ok, good, now we just wait till I stop breast feeding."

NNNOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry:
You must have gave off some good karma or something, Rem. I just got called for an interview on Tuesday for an analyst position that I applied for 3 three weeks ago. It would be in community health as an analyst for their budget. If I get the job, it would be a substantial pay increase too:headbang: . I really have been wanting to get into a different department also:)
DarbysDad said:
good luck on the interviews. Get ready to work tons of hours :D

I already work 50+ hours as it is. This job I am sure will require more hours and since there is no overtime to give, I will be working on my time:zombie:. Thank god for coffee and espresso.

Have a good and safe St. Paddy's day too!!! I am on a sabbatical from drinking for awhile so I am not partaking tonight. I have been pulling a Andrew W.K. too much lately and partying way to hard. Time to give my liver a rest.
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