OT: Your Top 3 "Most beautiful girls"

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DoomsdayZach said:
I like her. She's attractive. Not without her flaws, but overall she looks a lot better than most other models. Plus she's awesome in Euro Trip. And that makes everything worth it.

I like that people can have flaws (where hers are though, I'm still yet to see them) - and I JUST saw eurotrip last night for the first time!! she was so cool in that, I loved seeing her play a skank role for a change instead of the always sweet girl.

proulxski said:
Silent Realm... Tatami's are not that uncomfortable... I have slept on them lol!

I've slept on them too (used to live in Japan) and they were ok for walking on.. but for sleeping, I prefer the good ol' western style bed with a really thick mattress thanks :)
not only is she beautiful, an opeth fan, she used to live in japan!?:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy silentrealm you are awesome! and I agree, tatami's are not the greatest thing to sleep on, they dont feel to great getting thrown on either (9 years experience in tae kwon do, kempo and ju-jutsu speaking there)
Finally... some back up. Not that I cared if anyone agreed with me or not. I was just concerned for humanity.
on the eurotrip tangent.. does anyone like michelle trachtenberg?

She looks strange to me - and WAY too skinny for my taste, but big eyes and big lips and beautiful hair.. I could understand why guys would like her..

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