other good prog bands,


Oct 1, 2004
new castel delaware
new bands with a old school sound, i,m listing to glass hammer and loving that old prog rock sound , as in a tuch of (triumvrat , star castel, yes , ELP .) , get shadow land cd . and the band porcupine tree is hearder but not to heard , cd, in absentia if you know of any other new good prog rock bands like edguy , kamelot , glass hammer or porcupine tree pleas post thare names so i can check tham out, and all the other oldys, i like , no need to post al stewart. elo, kansas, styx, just looking for new bands. THANKS !!
Anekdoten - great stuff very reminiscent at times of old King Crimson circa Red era.
Mechanical Poet - band from Russia that is going to kick ass, the mp3's to their EP are out there and they are finishing their album on Code 666 records
Ozric Tentacles - Space Prog Rock, these guys have been around forever it seems, mostly instrumental stuff and of course my friend Pellaz will swear by them!!!
Dead Soul Tribe - excellent music from ex-Psychotic Waltz singer Devon Graves...while you are at it check out Psychotic Waltz
Of course there some old school stuff like It Bites, IQ, Pallas, Marillion, FM, UK, Discipline, Djam Karet(sp?), Camel, Allan Holdsworth, etc...I will check my collection for some other stuff
Warmwetos THANKS ! Anekdoted is a good band but the singer? lol i only got to two songs so far , i will try thame out some more . thats what i,m looking for good prog rock and i love Marillion i have 3 CD,s by thame great music !! Thanks agen Warmwetos for your input!!!!!
The main name you need to know: Neal Morse.

Get anything and everything he has done and you will not be disappointed. The man is a true genius when it comes to music and his lyrics are the best I have heard in decades.

His projects include:
Spock's Beard
Yellow Matter Custard
Solo: Testimony, Self-Titled, It's Not Too Late

warmwetos said:
Ozric Tentacles - Space Prog Rock, these guys have been around forever it seems, mostly instrumental stuff and of course my friend Pellaz will swear by them!!!
"By the power of Greyskull and Ozric Tentacles, WarmWetOs is right!" :tickled:

Suggested Ozrics CDs if you can find them: Erpland, Live Underslunky, Jurassic Shift, Arborescence, Waterfall Cities, Strangeitude. Really, anything they've done since the days of the old cassette-only releases is pretty good.

Ozrics have an almost unique sound in all of music -- the Finnish band Hidria Spacefolk comes closest to replicating it, IMO -- and they have an unusual following: fans include Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater, Gregoor and Marcel from Lemur Voice (Sun Caged, etc.), Mikael Akerfeldt and Peter Lindgren of Opeth, Brian Fair from Shadow's Fall, and others. :cool: :Spin:
W0W !! land slide . Neal Mores is great i found a sampel of that song and i,ll be getting he.s CD soon . But i,m haveing trubel finding any thing from Ozric Tentacles, to sampel ? and pleas give Glass Hammer a listen to ,and Porcupine Tree and give me some feed back on what you think of them. This can turn it to a good thread. Thank you Pellaz, and The Wolf
dargormudshark said:
First off Edguy and Kamelot are not Prog rock :err:

Here are some good ones:
Pain of Salvation
The Flower Kings

I havn't too many great modern prog rock bands though
Look up Enchant, Stramonio & Poverty's No Crime...3 damn good ones for you.
Strange, Ozrics are pretty widely "shared" Out There. :) The End Records used to carry a fair number of Ozrics CDs at good prices (I'm not sure why, but then again, they carry The Changelings, too :)), but I think they're down to one or two titles in stock, now.

I'll also toss in a vote for the latest Ayreon, The Human Equation -- it will almost certainly be my, err, CDs of the Year. (Kinda unfair 'cause there are two CDs :))