Out of those who completely love WM, how many still miss Bush a little ?

You know what, making albums for your fans is selling out your moron. Making albums for yourself shows integrety. They are loyal to themselves and that's good enough for me.

You are a complete and total idiot. Making music for your fans is not selling out. Making music in an attempt to garner more attention from the mainstream music fans is selling out. Trying to change your sound in an effort to appeal to whatever music happens to be popular at the time. Changing your sound, slowing down your songs, making shorter, radio friendly songs.....that is selling out.

Coincidentally, that is exactly what Anthrax did. They attempted to appeal to the mainstream music fans of the early/mid 90s. They changed their sound, rather drastically, in an attempt to "crossover" as Metallica did. Unfortunately for Anthrax, they failed miserably and in doing so, lost their core audience.
It pays to do your homework before buying or singning for anything. If you bought it then then threw it out the window, that's no one elses fault but you're own. You wasted your money. I thought you may have woken up after your opnions of Stomp and to a lesser extent SOWN. It's kinda funny actually because they never said it was a thrash album and you still bought it. Loyalty or stupidity, I dunno..........maybe both

Sounds like Maidenman is the one doing the sooking to me.........:cry:

I knew it wasn't going to be thrash, but still had hope that maybe it was at least GOOD. It wasn't thrash, and wasn't GOOD either. I bought it to support them and listen to the album properly... then threw it out the car widow after I couldn't take it anymore. Some bum on the streets found it and used it to wipe his ass with... so at least Volume 8 was good for something!

It's funny how you know so much about me for only being registered on this form for a month :lol:
You are a complete and total idiot. Making music for your fans is not selling out. Making music in an attempt to garner more attention from the mainstream music fans is selling out. Trying to change your sound in an effort to appeal to whatever music happens to be popular at the time. Changing your sound, slowing down your songs, making shorter, radio friendly songs.....that is selling out.

Coincidentally, that is exactly what Anthrax did. They attempted to appeal to the mainstream music fans of the early/mid 90s. They changed their sound, rather drastically, in an attempt to "crossover" as Metallica did. Unfortunately for Anthrax, they failed miserably and in doing so, lost their core audience.

the did in fact lose almost all of their core audience. But they did pick up about 5 new fans. Antwat, johnnie, deege, social distorion / stompmosher and a few other. So it wasn't a total loss :D

John Bush put on eddie vedders outfits for his own pleasure not to try and please a different audience. Scott didn't put on flannels and wear baggy pants for anyone else but himself:lol:
I bought it to support them and listen to the album properly... then threw it out the car widow after I couldn't take it anymore. Some bum on the streets found it and used it to wipe his ass with... so at least Volume 8 was good for something!
Vol.8 is good for cutting onions, believe me, i've tried it, it also can be used as a frisbee and as a beer coaster, unfortunately it can't be used for listening to good music. omg this album sucks!
Vol.8 is good for cutting onions, believe me, i've tried it, it also can be used as a frisbee and as a beer coaster, unfortunately it can't be used for listening to good music. omg this album sucks!

In all honesty it really is a quality, well made CD. I mean it's made of the finest materials of any CD out there. When I threw it out the window it skipped across the ground on the concrete many times and still didn't crack in half. I am wondering how it held up after the bum whipped his as on it!?!?
In all honesty it really is a quality, well made CD. I mean it's made of the finest materials of any CD out there. When I threw it out the window it skipped across the ground on the concrete many times and still didn't crack in half. I am wondering how it held up after the bum whipped his as on it!?!?

If he was a smart bum, he'd try and sell that cd for money for dope. He must be on pcp though to wipe his ass with a plastic disc as opposed to plentiful newspapers.

I like Volume 8, although I don't regard it as their best. It's like a well produced EP more than a full length LP with the variety of songs. 604 is in the vain of SOD, toast in the vain of starting up a posse. Etc. I like killing box with Anselmo.
604 is in the vain of SOD, toast in the vain of starting up a posse
imo '604' & 'Cupajoe' sound like a poor man's S.O.D. and 'Toast' is a poor man's 'Posse'. the disc has a running time of over an hour and consists of no fast songs, 604+Cupajoe together are only 2 mins. of music, only 2 mins. of fast music on an Anthrax album, they probably thought they could satisfy their oldschool-fans with 2 short tracks.
If he was a smart bum, he'd try and sell that cd for money for dope. He must be on pcp though to wipe his ass with a plastic disc as opposed to plentiful newspapers.


Not sure he'd get any money for a cd that has been thrown out of a moving vehicle like a frizbee and scratched to be hell. Even if it was in prestine condition not many people would pay anything for it, which was evident in how well that CD sold :D

That was classic though, he must have been on PCP lol!
It is an insult to Anthrax fans who have purchased their CD's, Concert tickets, and Merchandise to have a song like A Toast To The Extras on a CD that is terrible. Many Anthrax fans purchased that album and wasted their hard earned money. Paying customers have the right to complain about the product they purchased. I am a paying customer and have complained.

As for loyalty, they should be loyal to their fans and not bullshit them with every word that comes out of their mouths. You never know what to believe with those guys. But loyalty? I have purchased every Anthrax album and gone to almost every Anthrax show even during the dreadful bush era. So loyalty usually speaks with $$$$'s. And thats what I have done... granted I threw volume 8 out the window of my car like a Frisbee.

It's a very unhealthy life you're living, my friend. Imagine being you all these twenty years - spending all that "enormous" amount of money and still waiting for the waiter to bring you a burger that you like... Perhaps, you should think of this as of a HOBBY. You know, that's something that costs you money, but, at the same time, you can always change. Like switching to something else. Collecting tropical bugs, for example. Those bugs, they'll never put you down, because they always have the same amount of legs...
It's really not attractive running around like you do, throwing objects out of your car (safety, safety! you coulda hurt somebody!), and screaming insults all because your favorite band doesn't make anymore music that you like. A 13-y.o. kid might do it, but you're a grown up man, aren't you?
Speaking of a 13-y.o.... If you do feel like one why don't you arrange Anthrax coming to your bar-mitzva? That's where you'll have a full right to bitch and moan, and cry. You could even fire them! Wouldn't it be nice?
It's a very unhealthy life you're living, my friend. Imagine being you all these twenty years - spending all that "enormous" amount of money and still waiting for the waiter to bring you a burger that you like... Perhaps, you should think of this as of a HOBBY. You know, that's something that costs you money, but, at the same time, you can always change. Like switching to something else. Collecting tropical bugs, for example. Those bugs, they'll never put you down, because they always have the same amount of legs...
It's really not attractive running around like you do, throwing objects out of your car (safety, safety! you coulda hurt somebody!), and screaming insults all because your favorite band doesn't make anymore music that you like. A 13-y.o. kid might do it, but you're a grown up man, aren't you?
Speaking of a 13-y.o.... If you do feel like one why don't you arrange Anthrax coming to your bar-mitzva? That's where you'll have a full right to bitch and moan, and cry. You could even fire them! Wouldn't it be nice?

Not really sure what you just said.. yawn... but cheers to you and your love for Volume 8.. the threat is real!

YOU and I get into it a lot. But I honestly want to give you props for this video you did:

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Maidenman, do you want another frisbee? i could sell you my copy of Vol.8, it's still in good condition after 13 years but be careful, it stinks.
You are a complete and total idiot. Making music for your fans is not selling out. Making music in an attempt to garner more attention from the mainstream music fans is selling out. Trying to change your sound in an effort to appeal to whatever music happens to be popular at the time. Changing your sound, slowing down your songs, making shorter, radio friendly songs.....that is selling out.

Coincidentally, that is exactly what Anthrax did. They attempted to appeal to the mainstream music fans of the early/mid 90s. They changed their sound, rather drastically, in an attempt to "crossover" as Metallica did. Unfortunately for Anthrax, they failed miserably and in doing so, lost their core audience.

So if you had a working formula that gave you a fan base with your 1st few albums, that worked right, well some bands know this and stick with it out of FEAR of what peole like you and Maideman say. Thats selling out to YOU and sticking with a "working" formula. That's taking the easy way out and it's also restricting youself. At least Metallica and Anthrax had the Guts to challenge themsleves, were creatively unshackeled. That's called Freedom. How is that selling out? If it's from the heart, no matter what style, it's not selling out but it's OK. You only see the world through Thrash glasses...........
I knew it wasn't going to be thrash, but still had hope that maybe it was at least GOOD. It wasn't thrash, and wasn't GOOD either. I bought it to support them and listen to the album properly... then threw it out the car widow after I couldn't take it anymore. Some bum on the streets found it and used it to wipe his ass with... so at least Volume 8 was good for something!

It's funny how you know so much about me for only being registered on this form for a month :lol:

I wished you had hit him with it so you woulda copped a lawsuit.........
So if you had a working formula that gave you a fan base with your 1st few albums, that worked right, well some bands know this and stick with it out of FEAR of what peole like you and Maideman say. Thats selling out to YOU and sticking with a "working" formula. That's taking the easy way out and it's also restricting youself. At least Metallica and Anthrax had the Guts to challenge themsleves, were creatively unshackeled. That's called Freedom. How is that selling out? If it's from the heart, no matter what style, it's not selling out but it's OK. You only see the world through Thrash glasses...........

Dude, reading this reminds me of the postmodern movement of conceptual art, where the 'concept' behind creation was more important than the actual creation itself.

But we just want good music, we don't care about the existentialism of individuals.

(And calling Vol. 8 creatively unshackled is just well... ridiculous and humorous at the same time)
Dude, reading this reminds me of the postmodern movement of conceptual art, where the 'concept' behind creation was more important than the actual creation itself.

But we just want good music, we don't care about the existentialism of individuals.

(And calling Vol. 8 creatively unshackled is just well... ridiculous and humorous at the same time)

That's what's so annoying about some people that just cannot accept that other people like other stuff. I also think most people have the concept of selling out backwards, but it's just how I see it. I don't doubt bands in the past have made radio friendly music to sell out, but usually record companies do that to the bands from the start. It's not like we are pushing our views, it's more to do with defending what we like because it gets bashed over and over.
Metallica and Anthrax had the Guts to challenge themsleves, were creatively unshackeled.
'Extra Toast', 'Cupajoe' & '666' really are a big challenge for any musician, without a doubt it takes talent & creativity to write such masterpieces. probably only Shitstorm is a better songwriter.
That's what's so annoying about some people that just cannot accept that other people like other stuff. I also think most people have the concept of selling out backwards, but it's just how I see it. I don't doubt bands in the past have made radio friendly music to sell out, but usually record companies do that to the bands from the start. It's not like we are pushing our views, it's more to do with defending what we like because it gets bashed over and over.

Think you misunderstood me, I was saying that who cares if the band members feel 'liberation', 'creative un-shackle-ment', etc., I listen to the music for the music, not to appreciate some muso's life-changing epiphany.

If the music is shit, the fact that the creators of the music are having some kind of semi-spiritual enlightenment while making it, means nothing. Nothing.
Whoa..hold on to yer horses....
Changes in music style doesnt effect me as long as it is bearable..That is why I liked V8 more than Stomp & .................................WCFYA. V8 has the heaviness and silliness that connects me with ANthrax (shish..am i serious??),
Stomp strayed away from SOWN and it sure irritated me a bit ,
while WCFYA is truly the bands biggest attempt of writing their version of the Black Album which left me scratching my head,
still i'm glad the album that i disliked manage to make a bit of a ripple for the band & they manage to shift gear a bit for the band ,
which means there is still a future for them and i'll still have a chance to listen to their work in the future.

Anthrax is just the few of metal bands that i like, so that is why i can really concentrate on them. It made sense why i can enjoy most of their releases. While some of u guys are so into this metal/thrash matter & u have with u vast choices for the genre, so its not your fault to dislike certain work when ANTHRAX drifted away, while the other Thrash band stayed 'true'.
Man there's some real butt-hurt crybabies in this thread.

Anybody can say whatever the fuck they want about a band and their albums. We're all here because we, on some level, love and respect Anthrax. Anyone that's here solely to talk shit about the band probably hasn't gotten laid in a very long time and needs something better to do.

I'll say whatever I want about Bush-era because I truly feel those albums SUCK (with the exception of a few songs on SOWN). I also think Scott, Charlie, and Frank were IDIOTS for writing those albums. I also think that if you like those albums more than the classic stuff, then your taste in music generally SUCKS and I wouldn't be very quick to discuss anything relating to metal music with you. Sorry, but tissue boxes are .79 at Walgreens.

Not to mention, I've spent almost $200 on 6 different copies of WM, I'm going to see them twice on the upcoming tour, and I'm absolutely thrilled on the direction Anthrax is now headed in. With that said, I have every right to spill my unabashed dislike of Bush-era whenever the subject comes up, if I choose to do so. So for someone to tell someone else who doesn't like Bush-era that they're not a real fan and that they need to show some respect, I'd say you've swallowed John Bush's cum one too many times and it's starting to affect the way you perceive reality.