Out of those who completely love WM, how many still miss Bush a little ?

Who gives a flying fuck what you spent, you cum-specialist? Spend whatever you want while feeding your family with your dick, who cares...
Of course, "you have a right"... You have all the rights. You even have a right to stop being an angry shit-spitting dick, but, of course, you'll pass on exercising it. May be, instead, you'll choose shooting yourself in your asshole in front of your fellow "Bush-era" paranoiacs?
"Bush-era"... It was 12 years, and the moron calls it an "era". What a dumbshit... But he knows a lot about swallowing cum.

You are an angry little man and one with a very poor grasp of the English language.
Who are the 'butt hurt's? and the 'cry babies'
Those who complain about old albums that suck?
Those who bragging about old albums that rock?
Those who complain about how he wasted a large part of his saving and live hoping and dreaming for something he cant even control?
or Those who refuse to read other peoples thread for he find it too insightful or yet too hard/ hurtful to understand ?
Oh, absolutely, skinner. I was especially impressed with your spending habits! :) Wow! $200!!! What a rich man!!! :)
Listen, do you have money for gas to get your ass to the welfare office tomorrow?? If you do pick your asswipe Mosher on the way, he's kinda short on food-stamps... ;)
Did three of you, actually, eat anything today? I mean except that thing that you mentioned earlier? I can't promise to compensate you the whole 200 bucks, but a couple of sandwiches and a quart of malt liquor could be heading your way. You'll have a nice threesome and forget about those Anthrax idiots....
Who are the 'butt hurt's? and the 'cry babies'
Those who complain about old albums that suck?
Those who bragging about old albums that rock?
Those who complain about how he wasted a large part of his saving and live hoping and dreaming for something he cant even control?
or Those who refuse to read other peoples thread for he find it too insightful or yet too hard/ hurtful to understand ?

Oh, absolutely, skinner. I was especially impressed with your spending habits! :) Wow! $200!!! What a rich man!!! :)
Listen, do you have money for gas to get your ass to the welfare office tomorrow?? If you do pick your asswipe Mosher on the way, he's kinda short on food-stamps... ;)

Hey closet-case, just so you know, you're addressing someone you know nothing about, therefore making yourself look like a complete ass. But keep it up, it's pretty entertaining.
Hey closet-case, just so you know, you're addressing someone you know nothing about, therefore making yourself look like a complete ass. But keep it up, it's pretty entertaining.

What's to know?:) Tell me what you had for breakfast, and I'll tell you who you are...:) I know this - the next day after you fucked up your Visa with the $200 charge the electric bill came, and now you can only listen to WM in your spacious '88 Taurus... :)
Wow. To think that I could have spent my time here in this jerkoff thread, comparing singers, instead of working towards my bachelor's degree. If you like an album I hate, go nuts; I don't give a shit. If you hate an album I like, then you're wasting perfectly good energy ranting and raving to other internet users that could have been spent on something productive. We get it: you don't like John Bush/Joey Belladonna.

This thread is pure and epic entertainment. The Joey & John partisans in this board are more of a trainwreck than anything seen on MTV today! Where's my popcorn? :lol:
Wow. To think that I could have spent my time here in this jerkoff thread, comparing singers, instead of working towards my bachelor's degree. If you like an album I hate, go nuts; I don't give a shit. If you hate an album I like, then you're wasting perfectly good energy ranting and raving to other internet users that could have been spent on something productive. We get it: you don't like John Bush/Joey Belladonna.

This thread is pure and epic entertainment. The Joey & John partisans in this board are more of a trainwreck than anything seen on MTV today! Where's my popcorn? :lol:

What did I tell you last time about making sense on this board?

As for the popcorn, come on over and join me. :popcorn::popcorn:
What's to know?:) Tell me what you had for breakfast, and I'll tell you who you are...:) I know this - the next day after you fucked up your Visa with the $200 charge the electric bill came, and now you can only listen to WM in your spacious '88 Taurus... :)

Ok, one more time... faceless names on a screen hurling insults at me does not affect me whatsoever. You should work towards being able to say the same for yourself. Good luck with that, Baldy. :cool:
Did three of you, actually, eat anything today? I mean except that thing that you mentioned earlier? I can't promise to compensate you the whole 200 bucks, but a couple of sandwiches and a quart of malt liquor could be heading your way. You'll have a nice threesome and forget about those Anthrax idiots....

You are an angry little man.
Hey... Whatever shit I was saying yesterday - forget it. I sincerely apologize 'cause I shouldn't have done it . Bad vibes sometimes catch up with me.
I just imagined my 11 y.o. kid read through this whole dirty bag of stinking laundry, and I started to feel kind of... nauseous.
Sorry, guys...
Hey... Whatever shit I was saying yesterday - forget it. I sincerely apologize 'cause I shouldn't have done it . Bad vibes sometimes catch up with me.
I just imagined my 11 y.o. kid read through this whole dirty bag of stinking laundry, and I started to feel kind of... nauseous.
Sorry, guys...

Take courage to do that. :kickass:
Some people love to push others buttons, but you will never hear an apology from them.
Take courage to do that. :kickass:
Some people love to push others buttons, but you will never hear an apology from them.

I've pretty much stopped posting on here because I can't take the back and forth shit any more.

Some of us only like the Joey material.

Some people really only prefer the Bush era material.

Some enjoy both.

It's time to put it all aside and remember that we just got a really good album delivered to us by these guys and concentrate on that. There's room for debate but you shouldn't be killing one another over AN OPINION!!!!

That being said, EVERYONE needs to stop baiting each other. This goes for antwax, esloan, IMF09 and everyone else. I don't want to be in the middle of a thread and read "well, (insert former/current Anthrax singer's name here) would've done this much better." That just starts the shit flowing again. This is the reason why I've never really been on a board like this until about a year ago on the Nevermore board. If you're feeling cranky about something, go take a nap. If you've got some bile you want to spill at someone, put it in a PM. It doesn't matter who started what anymore, just let it die. I've loved Anthrax for 25 years and this board is killing it for me. You may not agree with others tastes but it's not worth draining your soul to tell the other person how much you disagree with them. It serves no purpose.

The "what CD are you looking forward to" thread is glorious because it's just people talking about music they LOVE. It's great. Life is good. We've got good music to enjoy. We've also got the freedom to turn off music we don't wish to hear. I'd rather sit and share a beer and talk about music I like with people than try to crack the mug over their skull because they like a song I don't.

Sgt-D, you've got full rights to blast me for trying to make sense. I've earned it.