overlooked essentials

I've heard Slaughtersun and it's killer. Which is the better out of the above?

Also I've never been able to track down Cartilage. Been trying to for ages - anyone able to share PM + I'm willing to trade if I have something you find of interest.

I reckon Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher is the better out of the two. Sorgh på Svarte Vingar Fløgh is also well worth checking out. The track 'Soil of Dead Earth' is surely one of Dawn's finest.

I'll try to upload that Cartilage album for you tonight.

Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind. Seldom given the respect it deserves. Too many people are always talking about some crappy USBM or Deathshit Omega and missing out on this amazing suicidal/black metal.

How does this compare with As the Wolves Gather?
Dawn Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher and Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) - While Sacramentum's equally superb Far Away From the Sun has finally started to make inroads among knowledgeable Hessians, Dawn continues to languish in the shadow of the vastly inferior Dissection for reasons that have nothing to do with the supreme artistry of their music.

I'm surprised you like Slaughtersun. I always felt it was a slightly dumbed down version of the style they had on their first album and the ep they released after that. I think Slaughtersun has some really choice moments on it but I don't think it's nearly as sophisticated as the first album. What do you like about it? I'd like to get a different perspective on it.
I reckon Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher is the better out of the two. Sorgh på Svarte Vingar Fløgh is also well worth checking out. The track 'Soil of Dead Earth' is surely one of Dawn's finest.

I'll try to upload that Cartilage album for you tonight.


Miasma - Changes
Runemagick - Supreme Force of Eternity
Satan - Court in the Act
It doesn't sound much like Bolt Thrower. It's a melodic take on the Finnish death metal style. It includes great melodic passages while retaining the typical Finnish dm sound. IMO it is definitely one of the top 5 death metal albums of all time (or metal albums of all time, for that matter). I guess it's a matter of taste, though I bet that several others here agree with me on this.

Wow. I wouldn't even slot it in my top 20 DM releases. It's enjoyable and probably innovative for its time but is terribly dull. I agree with vihris
To vihris: Well, that's your prerogative. :) I bet there are tons of albums you love that I find boring...the beauty of the subjective mind...

Trying to think of more right now...

Changes is a definite one...some of the most horrifying, macabre shit shines through on that album. Great atmosphere. The album cover really completes it, too. Nothing says disturbing like a statue bust whose outer workings have deteriorated to show the harrowing innards of a real human face.

Silencer's Death - Pierce Me is kind of overlooked. Twisted and extremely well-orchestrated BM...reminds me of early Bethlehem with better production...great shit if you can stomach the literally crazy vocals.

Infester - To The Depths...In Degradation is very understated as well.
Monstrosity Imperial Doom - While this classic album remains widely respected, it is not often accorded its proper place among the very best death metal albums ever recorded (probably because it inexplicably remains out of print, despite comparing quite favorably to such all-time classics as Blessed are the Sick and Legion).

Dawn Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher and Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) - While Sacramentum's equally superb Far Away From the Sun has finally started to make inroads among knowledgeable Hessians, Dawn continues to languish in the shadow of the vastly inferior Dissection for reasons that have nothing to do with the supreme artistry of their music.

Anacrusis Suffering Hour - Probably the last creatively significant album to emerge from the speed metal movement, this complex debut from the Canadian avant-thrashers remains almost impossible to find, despite its manifest brilliance.

Creepmime Shadows - Amazing technical death metal that suffered from poor distribution, a less than ideal band name, and hailing from a non-branded scene. Not to be missed.
Creepmime! :notworthy :notworthy

Electrocution - Inside The Unreal (great old school thrashy death, on par with the likes of Pestilence, Asphyx, etc.)

Morpheus Decends - Ritual of Infinity (as good as the debuts of the "big" NYDM bands)

Disaffected - Vast (atmospheric doom death metal. as good as the CD is, one would think it would be widely praised)

Necrophiliac - Chaopula: Citadel of Mirrors (very good old school death metal in the vein of Incantation. even good for old school death metal, yet unrecognized)

Disaffected :notworthy :notworthy

That Necrophiliac album fucking rules, YES. Here's another OSDM classic:

Molested - Blod Draum

ALSO, re: Amorphis; yes that album does rule, and no it doesn't sound much like Bolt Thrower at all what are you smoking. Also, Vulgar Necrolatry (on some re-releases, mine has it, at least) is one of the coolest songs ever...


Blod Draum :notworthy :notworthy

Cartilage - The Fragile Concept of Affection. Deserves to be mentioned alongside the likes of Demigod and Demilich.

Pathologist - Grinding Opus of Forensic Medical Problems. Quirky sounding grind, under-noticed.

Sounds like I should check out Cartilage :)


Agalloch - Pale Folklore. People are always talking about The Mantle, which is quite amazing, but Pale Folklore is the stronger album imo.

Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind. Seldom given the respect it deserves. Too many people are always talking about some crappy USBM or Deathshit Omega and missing out on this amazing suicidal/black metal.

Godflesh - Streetcleaner and Hymns. Some great releases, rarely spoken of.

Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului. Om is always the album of interest, and therefor this album gets overlooked.

O.L.D - Lo Flux Tube. Some good shit here.

Saturnus - Paradise Belongs To You. Some amazing doom death.

Anyways, I'm not sure if all these could be considered essentials, but they are overlooked albums.

Saturnus :notworthy :notworthy

Although in my opinion Veronika Decides To Die is their best album. Veronika Decides to Die is in my top 20.
Thank you. I knew I couldn't be the only one who finds that album boring.

Well, I kind of see why you'd find the Karelian Isthmus boring,as much as most OSDM, I reckon, but really it's a very atmospheric DM album.
A lot of bands that are masters of atmosphere(Summoning, Varathron,Enslaved etc.) seem very repetitive, boring and bland on the surface, but their meandering songs are imbued with so much feeling that they could've been clocking at 30 minutes each, for all I care, and I wouldn't get bored.
I guess you just need to adpopt a different mindset to appreciate this sort of music.
But, of course, you're free to dismiss it as tedious crap as I initially did when merely ganing a surface acquaintance with these bands.However, there's definitely more to this music than what the ear hears at first.
Hey, I can appreciate atmosphere in a band. I love the sound that Elecric Wizard has, and I ould listen to some of those songs forever. Same goes for Sleep's last album. It's a different vibe from death maetal, of course, but when you're talking about atmosphere, it's really more about the sound and not the actual music.

I'll freely admit that Electric Wizard are crap songwriters. But I still give them credit for developing a sound that has a unique heaviness to it, and which is hard to find in any other band. Maybe that's how you have to look at The Karelian Isthmus, I dunno. Except I don't find that sound very unique. :lol:
Like a lot of bands working a more ambient sensibility into metal, Amorphis' music doesn't necessarily lend itself to the kind of listening that more conventional death metal encourages. They're working more with texture, harmony and subtle variations of melody than with the dramatic changes of riff and rhythm you'd expect from someone like Morbid Angel. There's a lot of complexity there, it just doesn't necessarily announce itself.
Ok here's my list of albums that don't get mentionned nearly enough considering how good I find them. I tried not to repeat what was already said although I agree in many cases.

Argentum - Ad Interitum Funebrarum
Necromantia - Scarlet Evil Witching Black
Pagan Altar - Volume 1
Sempiternal Deathreign - The Spooky Gloom
Varathron - His Majesty At The Swamp
Ved Buens Ende - Written in Waters