Slayed Necros
I've heard Slaughtersun and it's killer. Which is the better out of the above?
Also I've never been able to track down Cartilage. Been trying to for ages - anyone able to share PM + I'm willing to trade if I have something you find of interest.
I reckon Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher is the better out of the two. Sorgh på Svarte Vingar Fløgh is also well worth checking out. The track 'Soil of Dead Earth' is surely one of Dawn's finest.
I'll try to upload that Cartilage album for you tonight.
Forgotten Woods - The Curse of Mankind. Seldom given the respect it deserves. Too many people are always talking about some crappy USBM or Deathshit Omega and missing out on this amazing suicidal/black metal.
How does this compare with As the Wolves Gather?