- Feb 14, 2006
- 2,177
- 4
- 38
How does this compare with As the Wolves Gather?
Havn't heard that yet, so I can't say.
How does this compare with As the Wolves Gather?
No, we just have high standards. Also, you people listen to too much music.
every self-respecting grindhead should own this album.
Although in my opinion Veronika Decides To Die is their best album. Veronika Decides to Die is in my top 20.
Borknagar's eponymous debut is an overlooked classic, deserving a place on top of that mountain with all the rest. What makes it overlooked is the fact that while all the albums after it are on the big label of Century Media, Borknagar started on tiny Malicious Records and was only reissued by Displeased Records, which is significantly smaller than CM. Borknagar is the only album from that band that I couldn't find in stores and had to get from teh internets.
Kvist- For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike (ok, so it has four positive reviews on M-A, but I don't think its as widely recognized as it should be.
Changes is a definite one...some of the most horrifying, macabre shit shines through on that album. Great atmosphere. The album cover really completes it, too. Nothing says disturbing like a statue bust whose outer workings have deteriorated to show the harrowing innards of a real human face.
i'd add misanthropo a senso unico from Cripple Bastards too.
Bethlehem - Dictius Te Necare
Usually on the subject of Bethlehem, Dark Metal is the one that's always brought up (which is a better album, overall, but Dictius Te Necare is still worthy of praise).
thats a keeper, too. can't forget that one.
great album. wish I owned it.
Sorhin - I Det Glimrende Mörkrets Djup
I second Hirilorn, Dawn's debut (and to a lesser extent their other works) and Arcane Sun.
One that sticks out for me is:
Sacrilegium - Wicher
I have only known of its existence for a few weeks now but it is a fucking great album, worthy to be placed alongside such melodic black classics as FAFTS, Kvist's debut or early Dawn. (props to MalignParadigm for recommending me this album).
How does Sorhin's second album compare to the first?