overlooked essentials

Awesome description! Definitely check out Journey Into Mystery! Fucking rules.

I've just downloaded a few things mentioned here earlier...of note, Niden Div. 187, Dawn, and I'm finally getting around to Dark Tribe soon...
Niden Div. 187 is alright. Definitely overlooked and worth giving a listen to but not even close to essential.
Blut Aus Nord - first two releases (not 'overlooked' as such, but much more amazing than they're given credit for)
The Chasm - first two (ditto)
Branikald - Rdjandalir (second half is fucking incredible)
Wolfnacht - Heidentum
Ras Algethi - Oneiricon: The White Hypnotic
Confessor - Condemned
Satan - Court in the Act
Anacrusis - Suffering Hour

Yea, used to think differently, but to be honest, the production on The Nocturnal Silence started to bug me a little. Ancient God of Evil has a very organic sound to it. I love albums with organic production, hence my preference. TNS is still great, however, just not amazing.
Just listened to AGoE again with my headphones on. It flows so naturally, almost seamlessly and is engaging from beginning to end. Seriously great stuff.
how about Blood - O Agios Pethane, for anyone who is curious as to what it would sound like if black metal and deathgrind fused.
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey

One of the more original albums to come out of Sunlight Studios yet I never hear much about it.
I've been meaning to check this band out for years. Is this album out of print? I'd like to find it.

Yeah, it's easy enough to find. There's a few copies at Amazon.

Is Evil Shade of Grey better than Godless Beauty?

Without a doubt. Although I'd hesitate to call it original, it's still very cool and will satisfy any fan of old school Swedish Death Metal that doesn't mind hints of appropriately used melody.

I can't remember if anyone mentioned this or not, so I will.

Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike

I know there are fans of this gem here, and rightly so - it's fucking fantastic.