Overrated Thrax Trax...

Arg_Hamster said:
Nah, I´m ok with their songs... I never thought Fueled was a great track, there were others on Stomp that I prefer but it has a funny video. Let "Noize", "Got the time" and "Anti-social" have a rest from the set-list.
you put down Fueled an ode to the dirty old man Chuck Buchowski - you bastard :D

Now Keep it in the Family - if you hate this you must be a racist :D

Bob Marley Rules!!!
Funny that album probably more than any other Thrax album has such a different tone and sound to it.

First thing when I heard I thought Fuck sounds like Pantera....

But agreed love that album... INSIDE OUT MOTHER FUCKERS IS THE SHIT \m/
Very interesting thread here. Songs being played to death live is one thing, but there are only a few tracks that I skip when listening to a CD...."Safe Home" is one, and it's not really a bad song. Amsuing to see some people's favorite songs are others' groaners.
you know what's funny is - as much as I wanted to vote something aother than Safe Home on the Zone - I crank it more now.

And Lethal was an 80s thing that wasn't that great but UTFO could rap.