Own Pictures Thread


Ive been posting about Profugus for years wench! I used to like them, alot, but they have gotten teerrrriiibblllle. Last I saw them was close to a year ago, Paul can get a crowd going but its basically shit without the violin. I remember their new guitarist just playing her parts, but so high up on his guitar it sounded dumb (apposed to an ensiferum rip-off if he played it low).

But yeah, incredibly nice, I've smoked a sess with Etienne and the keyboardist when I first saw them opening for Moonsorrow.

Speaking of which, anyone interested in an old-logo Profugus Mortis shirt in XL!? :p
Its before a logo-change, before a bandname change, thus super tr00 and rare.

Loll I know what you mean, I really liked them with the violin but the new album is also good, Kim is a really good lead guitarist. And he's not playing the violon parts anymore, they play with a violin track.

I never call them Blackguard when I speak, Profugus Mortis just slips out of my mouth so easily... but some people don't even know that was their old name :erk:

And Kim is much nicer than Émilie (violon player). 2 years ago, they came to our town and she was still in the band... she was pissed off as fuck because my bandmates and I got in the bus and I ended up cuddling with Paul in the back of the bus, Terry was hitting on my drummer and Étienne lent his coat to my guitarist.
Loll I know what you mean, I really liked them with the violin but the new album is also good, Kim is a really good lead guitarist. And he's not playing the violon parts anymore, they play with a violin track.

I never call them Blackguard when I speak, Profugus Mortis just slips out of my mouth so easily... but some people don't even know that was their old name :erk:

And Kim is much nicer than Émilie (violon player). 2 years ago, they came to our town and she was still in the band... she was pissed off as fuck because my bandmates and I got in the bus and I ended up cuddling with Paul in the back of the bus, Terry was hitting on my drummer and Étienne lent his coat to my guitarist.

Their first album was boring. Not terrible, but it was really short, and got really uninteresting halfway though. I cant hear anything now but Kim (forgot that was his name, lol) and his damn 'tweedling'. Never talked to Emile, she was surrounded by every gawking nerd in the house every time. Her folk band was kinda cool to see, although the entire band just stood there being melodramatic, while she danced and fiddled happily like an elf, didnt fit well.

I'd also like to put this back up, for street cred.

Congrats on the gig being a success. Why didn't you use your own gear though?

Because our current gear really sucks... we still brought it and we were willing to play with it, but then the guys kindly offered us to use their gear... I wasn't gonna say no to a Peavey Van Halen 5150 head and a Vader cab :lol:

I guess being an all-girls band helps on that matter, because I heard people don't usually lend their gear easily, but so far we've always been offered awesome gear.
Yeah yeah, I know, saw that coming from a million miles away. You also don't mention there, though, that that was over a year ago and not something I will ever repeat again in my life.

Well that's good man, I hope that you found someone else and things are going great for you. However, much like OJ Simpson, no matter what you do, you can't expect it to go away :p
Well that's good man, I hope that you found someone else and things are going great for you. However, much like OJ Simpson, no matter what you do, you can't expect it to go away :p

Oh I know. I don't expect to. No luck finding anyone else, but things are going great, so I live on. Roadrunner Records might be my employer in the near future.
Holy shit man, looking good. You cut your hair but you look great.

Yeah I cut it about 3 months ago. I thought I would miss it but I only miss it when I'm at gigs :lol: And thanks, I've been busting my ass at the gym about 5 times a week :p bodybuilding has become way more than a hobby for me now :lol: