Own Pictures Thread

And thanks, I've been busting my ass at the gym about 5 times a week :p bodybuilding has become way more than a hobby for me now :lol:

Yeah I have too, except I'm losing fat (about 30 pounds since July) so you don't build much muscle during that period... once I get down to the proper weight then I will start bulking. You look good though man, making those GAINZ. :kickass:
Yeah I cut it about 3 months ago. I thought I would miss it but I only miss it when I'm at gigs :lol: And thanks, I've been busting my ass at the gym about 5 times a week :p bodybuilding has become way more than a hobby for me now :lol:

shit man, do you really find bodybuilding nice? no offense, but it's one of the few things i find fucked up.
shit man, do you really find bodybuilding nice? no offense, but it's one of the few things i find fucked up.

agreed. Wieght lifting for strength is one thing, but to atrophy muscles for cosmetic purposes...is fucked. Not to say he looks fuckedhueege or anything, but yeah.
Hahahaha dude, I made that sequence! :lol:
I remember :lol:


Holy shit Chamet, have you had that avatar all the time?

If yes I have always thought it was a dude headbanging with a guitar.

Well I've had this one for a while now, but I used to change it a lot so I don't know.

Yeah I have too, except I'm losing fat (about 30 pounds since July) so you don't build much muscle during that period... once I get down to the proper weight then I will start bulking. You look good though man, making those GAINZ. :kickass:

Shit son 10 pounds a month? that's awesome :D what's your secret? :lol:

shit man, do you really find bodybuilding nice? no offense, but it's one of the few things i find fucked up.

I started lifting weights just to keep healthy, but as I got more into it and learned about it, started seeing some results, it became a hobby, then I got more into it and now it's more than that. I love knowing how the body works, how the muscle works, what effects different foods have on your body/muscles...etc.
Why is it that you find it fucked up? Is it the drugs involved in the sport or how massive pro bodybuilders are?

agreed. Wieght lifting for strength is one thing, but to atrophy muscles for cosmetic purposes...is fucked. Not to say he looks fuckedhueege or anything, but yeah.

By that logic over-weight people who are losing weight are fucked up too :p
I know, that's a bitch. I'm lucky most of my lectures are in the afternoon, so I have the morning free to go to the gym and to homework and other stuff.
I should probably start going to the gym, we've got a fucking awesome gym on campus but I'm yet to try it out. I mean, I've been a tennis player for years (I know... Tennis, how typically English :rolleyes:) so I'm not exactly underweight, but with a fair few of my friends being Rugby players I can't help but feel a little inadequate :lol:
Yeah I cut it about 3 months ago. I thought I would miss it but I only miss it when I'm at gigs :lol: And thanks, I've been busting my ass at the gym about 5 times a week :p bodybuilding has become way more than a hobby for me now :lol:
Cool, doing any weightlifting competitions in the future?
I'm boxing at a local gym 3-4 times a week, I'll probably go 4 times a week for the next month since I have a fight in late November. I did lift weights some before I started boxing, but now I do a little weightwork at the gym, having to move and jump up and down while holding 5 pound weights with both hands for 3 minutes, pushups for 3 minutes straight, lifting up a 180 pound tire, etc...keep in mind this is usually after running 2-4 miles and heavybag work along with possible drills and sparring too.
Since I go to a small gym, I have to wait until 5:30 everyday to train, usually we go until 7:30 but I sometimes will work until 8 or 8:30, I can go to an 11 AM session there that only lasts one hour but that's nothing compared to the real evening training sessions, that's the ones where I get to learn and spar.
I started lifting weights just to keep healthy, but as I got more into it and learned about it, started seeing some results, it became a hobby, then I got more into it and now it's more than that. I love knowing how the body works, how the muscle works, what effects different foods have on your body/muscles...etc.
Why is it that you find it fucked up? Is it the drugs involved in the sport or how massive pro bodybuilders are?

By that logic over-weight people who are losing weight are fucked up too :p

there's a big difference between getting healthy, get some muscle, liking to exercise, enjoying eating healthy stuff


there's a big difference between getting healthy, get some muscle, liking to exercise, enjoying eating healthy stuff



The extreme roid usage of today equates to some rather unaesthetic bodybuilders. And not to mention they are not really ''healthy'', so you're right, very big difference. I do respect their very hard work with dieting/lifting/lifestyle to achieve what they do though. I used to be very into it myself. Too many people don't realize how difficult that is and think that by taking some juice and pumping a few barbells you overnight become huge, and are ''afraid'' to lift weights for fear that they will look too big, lel.