Ozzfest 2004

Slayer. Judas Priest. Black Sabbath. How can I not go? :Spin:

However, I only want to see these three bands. What time should I show up that would put me in the middle/end of Dimmu Borgir's set? I went to Ozzfest 2000 (for some reason) and Godsmack (goat help me) was third from last. I can't for the life of me remember what time they started (maybe it's because my mind was twisted from a whole day of crappy down-tuned guitars).
Well, now that Black Sabbath is ALSO playing, presumably right before, or right after Ozzy's "headline" set, my best guess is to get there no later than 5 PM if you want to see Slayer.

I think main stage kicks off about 1 PMish, so figure BLS, Dimmu & Superjoint will be done by 4ish. Maybe get there about 4 PM now that I think about it.
No, Neurosis played the main stage at the first Ozzfest, so did Fear Factory. I was there man YEAH!!!

If lawn tickets are around $20 like they used to be, I'll go. Last year's lawn seats were nearly $50. Fuck that. FUCK. THAT.

PS: Fuck Ozzy.
Well, I've seen Slayer 1/2 a dozen times now, and I'm all that interested in seeing Ozzy or Sabbath, though they'd both be good I'm sure.

It's Priest I'm most pissed about missing, but I've heard pretty solid rumors that they're doing a headline tour in the late fall/early winter, so I'll catch them then.
that interview is bullshit. schaffer got his panties in a wad a couple times, but other than that there was basically the typical controversy between democrats and republicans. hell, they even ended on a good, respectful note. and then jon dis-allows the selling of the magazene at IE shows? what a whiny-assed PUSSY.
Not really, the interviewer was a prick, over and over and over again. While it wasn't as controversial as it was made out to be, Schaffer made it quite fucking clear to not speak in those "leading" tones. The little cunt did anyway. As someone who went through journalism school, it most certainly WAS a perfect example of SHIT-ASS writing/questioning style.
In the interests of fairness, the interviewer was baiting him....and Schaffer fell right into his trap.

as far as Priest, I imagine they'd be fun to see live, but I just can't help but recall the last Priest+Halford albums and they just weren't that good. They've always been a band with one, maybe two good songs per album and the rest just filler.

but hey, I'm by far the biggest musical lightweight here, my world doesn't revolve just around metal, so call me a pussy if you want, I really don't give a flying fuck :wave:
don't worry, my musical tastes of late have become more pussified as well. :)

and jon... he's losing it. i don't care if you happen to be conservative (or liberal for that matter), any semi-intelligent person can see that schaffer is steadily growing a massive ego. just look at some of the lineup changes, what he has said, what he has done (anders incident, which wasn't very respectable for either of them). it also seems that he has a deep-set disdain for "smart boys" that he feels threatened by, thus takes on a meathead-redneck mentality. while i do admire his belief that every person must earn their way through life and that america's younger generations are becoming more and more ignorant of history, the thought that someone who dropped out of high school and played music their whole life is smarter than someone who has studied/made a life of political science (chomsky) is just laughable.
Chomsky is the world's largest cunt, hands down. Anyone want to argue with me, don't bother because he's not worth wasting even this minor post over, let alone a heated debate.

Anywho. Ozzfest is a great festival, I just haven't agreed with the majority of bands the last several years. Although seeing one of Pantera's last shows a few years ago was worth sitting through even Godsmack.
NAD said:
Chomsky is the world's largest cunt, hands down. Anyone want to argue with me, don't bother because he's not worth wasting even this minor post over, let alone a heated debate.
translated from NAD-speak: "i'm too lazy to get into another nietzsche-esque debate, thus i'm going to waste time by posting on a subject that isn't worth wasting time over."
Holy shit, I'm quoted not once but TWICE in 'Gugs signature.

I had to say something about Chomsky, he plagues me. Both he and Nietzsche are / were the types that if you disagree with them, you are wrong and therefore not intelligent. The point of debating is to learn and gain knowledge, both mentioned parties negate the process, and are therefore pointless in arguing for or against because only by bowing down to their "superior" intellect could you possibly understand their reasoning, according to them of course. Good job Justin, you drew me in. Sorta. :p

"I'm right because I said so."
--cunts like Nietzsche and Chomsky
NAD said:
if you disagree with them, you are wrong and therefore not intelligent.
exactly. the kind of doctrinaire writers who have a spin on everything to make it fit their own ideology. smart enough guys, but with an agenda.

that's why I hate Rush Limbaugh so incredibly, terribly much.

Gugs, I recognize Priest's legendary status and give them full credit for their innovations. I just don't think Halford is a great songwriter, and if I want to see the leather and studs show, I can go downtown to Columbus's German Village on a friday nite. :lol: