Ozzfest anybody?

I was thinking about it. But its too much money to go see Dimmu, and Priest. I dont even really wanna see Priest but I think I should see em before they call it quits. Damage Plan might be cool too
Iced In Flames said:
I was thinking about it. But its too much money to go see Dimmu, and Priest. I dont even really wanna see Priest but I think I should see em before they call it quits. Damage Plan might be cool too
Yeah, cost about $200 for our two tickets. Pretty good seats in the 10th row. It's all worth it to see Priest again with Halford.
Thats another thing. I'm kinda tight on money cuz I'm ordering a custom guitar. So that is kinda steep for a concert where I might like seeing a handful of bands
it'd take 10 hours do get there and id still have to walk an hour after the bus got me close as it could then when the concert was over the busses wouldnt be running so id have to wait til morning for the 10 hour drive back...
it'd take 10 hours do get there and id still have to walk an hour after the bus got me close as it could then when the concert was over the busses wouldnt be running so id have to wait til morning for the 10 hour drive back...
Something I always dug about N. Cali was the BART. Took it to ball games, concerts and never got stuck in traffic.

Just had to wait in line.
it'd take 10 hours do get there and id still have to walk an hour after the bus got me close as it could then when the concert was over the busses wouldnt be running so id have to wait til morning for the 10 hour drive back...

Sounds like Guadalajara!
Abryl said:
Sounds like Guadalajara!

the bus drivers here stop at red lights!:loco:
buses here are bad... they are getting better but that isnt saying much. the schedules and routes make no sense and change constantly and if you try to call for information it isnt computerised at all so you have to get the retards on the phone to understand where you are and where your trying to go... then they look at the routes and if there's more than one way to get there they just pick one, THEN they look at the schedule. so you can be changeing buses and takeing hours to get somewhere and there can be an express that gets you there in 20 minutes...
then nobody takes the bus unless they have to, rush hours to and from work theyre crowded as hell but the rest of the time it's mostly kids and mental patients who havent washed in years and are allways argueing with their invisble friend...
Something I always dug about N. Cali was the BART. Took it to ball games, concerts and never got stuck in traffic.

Just had to wait in line.
even though LA has tons more money than the bay area it'll never show. the politicians there all have there own special interest group they watch out for, but LA the politicians special interest is their own wallet and even when something seems legit at first a few million dollars later & with nothing to show you find out somebodys brother was hired to do the job...

the metrorail (subway er whatever you want to call it) is cool. every 15 minutes there's a train and ya allways know where it's going and ya know it's gonna stop where ya want it and the bus driver isnt gonna pass yer stop and stop at the next one. between trains you have to wait on the platform and if yer in the rosa parks station it gets pretty crowded, but there really isnt any lines.
bart was built with the citys own revenue... the metrorail has taken around 3 billion in federal, state and local funds and 20 years later there's still only 4 routes and the gold line only started running about a year ago...
the metrorails great, but the chances of it getting you where you want to go are slim-youll have to take the bus once ya get off it!
I'm gonna miss it. There's not any band who really interests me.. and I pay more than 50 bucks to see no band. I thought tickets were only 65 though? The Seattle radio station (which in the last year and a half has completely sold out and plays nothing but nu-metal now) advertised a special that if you actually went to the White River Amphitheatre you could tickets for like 10 bucks for one day only. Thought that was kinda cool, and might have went and gotten tickets aif there were any acts worth it.
BigBronco4x4 said:
I'm gonna miss it. There's not any band who really interests me.. and I pay more than 50 bucks to see no band. I thought tickets were only 65 though? The Seattle radio station (which in the last year and a half has completely sold out and plays nothing but nu-metal now) advertised a special that if you actually went to the White River Amphitheatre you could tickets for like 10 bucks for one day only. Thought that was kinda cool, and might have went and gotten tickets aif there were any acts worth it.
Our tickets were like $79 a piece plus they tack on all those handling and "conveneince" charges. They are some kind of Ozzfest "fanclub" tickets which I have no idea what the fuck that is. It's also a great excuse for going to Seattle, my gf has never been there. I'm from the SF Bay Area and it's always cool to go someplace that almost reminds me of home. Heheheheh
even though LA has tons more money than the bay area it'll never show. the politicians there all have there own special interest group they watch out for, but LA the politicians special interest is their own wallet and even when something seems legit at first a few million dollars later & with nothing to show you find out somebodys brother was hired to do the job...

the metrorail (subway er whatever you want to call it) is cool. every 15 minutes there's a train and ya allways know where it's going and ya know it's gonna stop where ya want it and the bus driver isnt gonna pass yer stop and stop at the next one. between trains you have to wait on the platform and if yer in the rosa parks station it gets pretty crowded, but there really isnt any lines.
bart was built with the citys own revenue... the metrorail has taken around 3 billion in federal, state and local funds and 20 years later there's still only 4 routes and the gold line only started running about a year ago...
the metrorails great, but the chances of it getting you where you want to go are slim-youll have to take the bus once ya get off it!
I didn't know LA was building a subway...Yikes! The thing I always hated about the bus was the exact change thing. One time a drives told me in quite a smug way "exact change only" I said "no problem, as long as you take me exactly where I want to go". He wasn't impressed. :Spin:
alot of folks here call it the subway, but most of it is above ground.
the under ground parts were their biggest fuck ups. the redline goes under hollywood blvd... the half ass construction... they caved in historical landmarks, they had cave ins kill workers and side walk cave ins that killed tourists, one cave in on the blvd i think it was 3 cars and 8 pedestrians it swallowed-all dead...

here yer lucky if the bus driver will tell ya anything except stand behind the yellow line.
if ya aint got exact change either ya over pay or ya short change um and the driver calls metropolice and at the next stop ya get kicked off the bus with an $834 ticket!
I'm planning on going to the one in Albuquerque, NM w/ Rue Morgue '82 on Aug. 3rd and maybe/hopefully the one in San Antonio on Aug. 7th w/ my best friend Cheryl. I am so STOKED to see Judas Priest again w/ Rob Halford!!
TxBraSlinger said:
I'm planning on going to the one in Albuquerque, NM w/ Rue Morgue '82 on Aug. 3rd and maybe/hopefully the one in San Antonio on Aug. 7th w/ my best friend Cheryl. I am so STOKED to see Judas Priest again w/ Rob Halford!!
Hey how is Rue Morgue doin? I aint talked to her in a long time.