So out of curiosity, what specifically did you hate about the Crue?

Go download TOO FAST FOR LOVE and SHOUT AT THE DEVIL and erase any predjudice you may have about the band given the celebrity status of some of their members. Some great 80's US heavy metal there. Definitely worth checking out.

It isn't that I haven't given them a chance in the past. I have tried and tried to listen to stuff like Shout at the Devil and such. A couple songs are okay like the title track, but to me most of their songs sound the same to me. Another MAJOR factor why I cannot stand them though is Vince Neil. Just like all the other bands of that same genre I cannot stand his voice. That glam/hair metal thing has never done anything for me. The only ones from that era I like are Guns 'N' Roses and Skid Row and they really weren't very similar to the others. In fact, they were more trying to destroy that image than anything else it seemed to me.

In terms of the status of its members, that honestly has absolutely nothing to do with whether I like them or not.
So, I got to check out Ozzfest Saturday in Hartford, CT. Chose Hartford over Jersey because we've had such miserable experiences in my home state. The venues are just total a**holes when it comes to security, and everything else that they suck all the fun out of it and make it nearly impossible to do your job. Most of my photos from Mayhem were not worth it due to the fact I was kept so far back from the stage.

On to Connecticut. The day started out poorly making me second-guess my defection since I got stuck for 2 1/2 HOURS at the GWB. Yea, no lie. Finally picked up my cohort in Manhattan and made good time the rest of the way, but sadly missed most of the opening bands. Got there just as BLS was going on, but by the time we got our passes, they were nearly done. So we got some business done and got set up for Halford. Tim and the Halford crew were top notch, super friendly and accommodating. Therefore, I was able to get some super shots from the stage. Halford himself sang well and was very engaging. Yea, he has to read the lyrics sometimes, but he really put on a good show. Their drummer, Bobby really was on the money and Metal Mike the guitarist was on the mark too. Really, the whole group was very tight and put on a good show.

A word on the venue. Easy to get to off of Route 91. The Crowne Plaza hotel is only about a mile from the Comcast Arena and reasonable. The security is adequate but very laid back. No you can't bring in a camera w/o a pass, and you can't bring in drinks, but other than that they were very friendly and helpful to everyone. Saw none of the bullshit from Jersey where you were yelled at no matter what you did, or even before you did anything. Hell, they didn't even require wristbands to buy beer in CT. Just your ID.

Went into the back of the stands to watch Motley Crue. Fun show for nostalgia sake. Sounded good. Nothing too impressive, but they played all the hits and it was fun if you've had a history with them. Frankly, spent time meeting up with people through most of Ozzy's set so only gave it half and ear. Mostly same old show with a few set lists changes, but Gus did add a bit of a new flavor to it. Overall, I enjoyed Ozzfest far more than Mayhem, but the venue had a lot to do with it and the bands were more to my liking.

A few photos below. I'll put a few more in the Photography thread in The Lounge later.


