paddy is asking about the band slipknot

dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
First of all when most bands get popular it's because they change their style of music to be more accessible. If a band gets popular by sticking to their roots then that's cool with me but when does that ever happen? For example, look at Slipknot, I didn't mind their first two albums but they changed their style of music to the point where EVERYBODY knows who they are. If they had stuck to their roots and then got popular then I'd still think they weren't bad but they changed and now they suck not because they're popular but cause they changed to a wattered down version of what they used to be. Get my point?

got your point
my answer:
slipknot changed because they became stone sour part two, not to get popular. with the success of nu-metal and the success of stone sour people would have gotten into slipknot anyway. this is not meant in defense of slipknot, simply to show you that your example didn't take stone sour into account. i get your point however. this selling out is shit, i simply don't think slipknot sold out. this doesn't mean they are good musicians, they aren't. i dont simply don't enjoy slipknot, they were good before i got into heavier stuff but they simply aren't that good, that extreme, that powerful, or that strong musically. the point of my post is that it is bullshit to bash trends. it is ok to dislike bands, but it is crap to say that a band should stay underground. that is not a band's decision most of the time.

that being said, i was wrong in saying that "are you getting your messages out..." thing. that was dumb. to say it more clearly: they are making some sort of connection with thier audience. there is some aura or some point or some sound or something in thier music that is attractive to them. when it becomes watered down, bands lose that and become shit. thus, you are right.
ok here is a view from a formor HUGE fan of slipknot, so if ur a man of "real" metal u hate slipknot....if ur a mallcore u hate "death" metal

when i liked slipknot i hated death metal cuz i couldent take it at frist so i made up some stuff saying slipknot was hard and crazy and real metal. So from that view many fans become ignorent and buy there albums and go crazy and buy everything they can make the band a mainstream band and after that the band goes on the radio and mtv. Now if i were in a band...(a "real" metal band)i would take it. Joey(drummer)stated that slipknot was to help smaller bands....and they have done that. Then they made iowa(a bad album)and they got even more "mallcore" kids. The sound drawed them to the album and they begain this crazy buying of slipknot merch and hot topic bought slipknot merch and then they begain to be hated(i belive it was then)...they took a brake after iowa and went on differnt bands and relsed differnt types of music...goth punk,hard rock, and some more and then went back to slipknot and made vol.3 i dont know how to say what kinda music it the view from me the "real metal" fan i listion to black,death and other types of "real" metal music and cant seem to get back into slipknot for some reason but i still have respect for the band...and there mainstream is only cuz of some iggnorit fans that are stupid and say that there are basicly what i am summing up is they are a good band and there hate form "real" metal fans is from the stupid fans.....
Blaphbee said:


You can hate Pantera all you want for all I care but I dont think they had that much of a big influence (bad in your opinion) in heavy metal. Some of the modern bands try to take on their "groove" sound but.
I would just like to thank everyone who spammed that picture for me as they replied so heatedly.

Really, you guys are the tops. :)

Nothing says "propagandizing" like having the offended tools do your work for you.
Blaphbee said:
I would just like to thank everyone who spammed that picture for me as they replied so heatedly.

Really, you guys are the tops. :)

Nothing says "propagandizing" like having the offended tools do your work for you.

*Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn* :Smug:
I don't know where the illusion came from that Joey Jordison is some sort of Godlike drummer. I think some people are being forcefed that bullshit. He's distinctly average. Most of the stuff he can do can be done by nearly any half-decent metal drummer. Fuck, the likes of Virgil Donnati, Mike Portnoy and Hal Aponte would actually slay him in a drumming standoff, and what's worse is, he knows it, unlike his fans who hail him as some sort of mastermind.

As for Slipknot: They're a shit, gimmicky overated band.
Bionic Commando said:
I don't know where the illusion came from that Joey Jordison is some sort of Godlike drummer. I think some people are being forcefed that bullshit. He's distinctly average. Most of the stuff he can do can be done by nearly any half-decent metal drummer. Fuck, the likes of Virgil Donnati, Mike Portnoy and Hal Aponte would actually slay him in a drumming standoff, and what's worse is, he knows it, unlike his fans who hail him as some sort of mastermind.

As for Slipknot: They're a shit, gimmicky overated band.

Mike Portnoy is far more overrated than Joey Jordison. Most Slipknot fans don't even know the names of the band members; they just like the scary masks and cuss words in their lyrics because they are all 12. I, for example, am not a big Slipknot fan, but I recognize that Joey Jordison is at least in the top 90% of metal drummers.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Mike Portnoy is far more overrated than Joey Jordison.

portnoy is certainly not as technical as people make him out to be, but from a pure musicianship standpoint, he is actually that good. his fundamentals are spectacular.

joey is actually not that good.

i know drummers better than him. he only gets credit because he's better than his lame performances on slipknot's lame music would imply.

I recognize that Joey Jordison is at least in the top 90% of metal drummers.


justify this in some way.
Think about how many metal bands there are. Right off the bat, at least 85% of them suck over all. Out of that remaining 15%, 10% have drummers at least as good as Jordison.

EDIT: So, to convert fractions or whatever, 66% of good metal bands have drummers as good or better than Jordison. I was not implying that he was amazing, but he definately not average.
but you're not accounting for the fact that there are superior drummers to joey who happen to be playing in one of those 85% of suck bands, never mind the fact that slipknot is one of them.

i think dying fetus would fit that category, but their drummer is literally 80 billion times better than joey. that's exact math, mind you.
Any competent drummer is at least at the same fucking level as Joey Jordison. Just because he's arguably the best drummer in Nu Metal doesn't mean he could be compared to Metal drummers or drummers in any other more demanding form of music.
Dodens Grav said:
Any competent drummer is at least at the same fucking level as Joey Jordison. Just because he's arguably the best drummer in Nu Metal doesn't mean he could be compared to Metal drummers or drummers in any other more demanding form of music.

Shut up faggit!!1 Joei are teh best0r DRUMMER EVAR!