Pagan Knights tour dates!

Went to the Tulsa show on Saturday with my two ProgPower buddies, one of them I can't remember what the hell his name is on here (hi David!)

Aside from some incredibly obnoxious individuals in the crowd, the show rocked. Two forgettable bands not on the ticket opened up, but I can excuse it. Suidakra was sloppier than I would have liked, but it was great. Alestorm was incredible fun. For Tyr, I was against the stage right in front of Heri, which is exactly where I'd want to be considering how much I love those guys. I didn't want their set to end.
Got to the venue (bar) early and watched all the set up and sound checks. All three bands were walking around or sitting right next to us, but I was unfamilur with names vs faces, etc so didn't bother. No need to send the bands on with a memory of the retarded American chick in NM. Show started about a half hour late.

Suidakra was better than I thought they were going to be. They were indeed sloppy at times, but they are a high energy band and Arkadius was great with the crowd...esp us drunks up in the balcony (was an all ages show, so no drinking on the floor) I will definitely be checking into them more.

Alestorm kicked ass!!! Who we were there for. Mead and Wenches, and of course a little Capt'n Morgan's Revenge. Arggh.

I had so much fun! Dani had some issues and had to leave the stage for a bit during Leviathan. Something electrical with his guitar. He was back about 2 minutes later. They are playing two new songs off the upcoming cd. Set list as I can recall:

Over The Sea
Nancy the Tavern Wench
Wenchs and Mead
Capt'n Morgan's Revenge
Two new songs
And one or maybe two more that I can't recall

Tyr....we only stayed for 1.5 songs. I really wanted to stay but my boyfriend was totally not in for it. He'd been saying that they were either going to be really really good, or really really bad. Too 'folky' for his taste. I was not too happy about leaving, but I figured someday he'll do me a good turn on a show where I want to leave. :p
Can anyone post Suidakra's set list?

I'm taking a buddy who is pretty new to this style of metal. I'd like to give him the set list as an mp3 playlist, so that he'll know some songs and enjoy it as much as I will.
Whore! You are lucky you Americans ! In France we have only some shit, a little and ridiculous paganfest compared with your festivals I'm disgusted, furthermore the T-shirt is super beautiful...

I really live in a country of shit with a nasty president... :puke: