Paganfest 2009

Copy and paste response time!

I'll be at atleast one of the shows. West Coast (LA or SF, or maybe a Portland) is highly likely, possibly Chicago depending on powerfest's lineup. Not too thrilled about elushitty being on this fest again. And they're placed over moonsorrow in the running order? What the fuck is this bullshit?!

At least Primordial is headlining, but the last thing I wanted to see them with was a bunch of elushitty fans. Fuck...
I'm hoping this fest skips L.A all together and returns to Long Beach. There's a nice little brew pub a couple blocks from the venue. I expect the same arsenal of angsty teens filling the place up to capacity either way.

Didn't Eluveitit lose their two most prominent members? Eh, I guess the other 7 members can hold down the fort, just double down on the hurdy gurdy. :erk:
I could have sworn I was told they broke up, but I guess they just lost members. Either way, I'm hoping which ever venue I go has re-entry.
If re-entry is what you're looking for stay away from Los Angeles. A couple months ago we seen Sigh in a dump that offered no alcohol and no way out. It was a headbanger's journey gone astray. :erk:

The only place that I can think of that has ever offered it is The Whiskey.

Two new members join in July


During the last couple of weeks we received many applications for the two vacant positions in our band. We’d like to use this opportunity to thank all musicians who contacted us for their messages, efforts and interest in our band. We read all applications assiduously and thought a lot about the whole thing.

Now we are very pleased to announce that we have decided for two new band members! And we are as confident to have found two awesome musicians and as we’re proud and happy to introduce them to you:

Päde Kistler
Playing diverse kinds of bagpipes, as well as whistles and acoustic guitars, Päde is a multi-instrumentalist and especially an experienced piper! To some of you (especially the folk interested guys) Päde might not be unfamiliar: He used to proof his abilities as musician and also as disarming performer in the Swiss folk band Branâ Keternâ, where also Meri and Chrigel used to play. So we esteem Päde since a couple of years, both as great musician as well as a fantastic guy and friend.

Kay Brem
Being a long-time rock’n’roll bastard of the Swiss metal scene, Kay makes a very skilled bass player that will for sure kick your asses as hell. Kay formerly played with the Swiss metal machines Cataract and Tribes Of Caïn and honoured or rather ravaged countless stages all over Europe. As Päde, we also got to know and esteem Kay as a great musician and person quite a while ago.

New Wave of Folk Metal, STFU!
I have to wonder, I bet even nemtheanga was surprised to be given top billing. From what I remember, they were always keen to get a support slot with the likes of Mayhem or Immortal, but this is outstanding for everyone other than those trying to sell tickets
So Primordial's been lowered to the third spot, Korpiklaani has been added as the main headliner, and eluveitie has been moved to the 4th spot/secondary headliner OVER primordial.

Not to mention a band named "Swashbuckle" was added...

This shit is fucking AWFUL. Not only does it not fit the theme, it just plain sucks.

Fuck Paganfest, as much as I love Primordial and Moonsorrow, I refuse to let myself support this kind of utter crap.

Nemtheanga... Please, if you exist, with all of your divine power, please fix this shit.
Awesome that korpiklaani got added. Seriously though, who the fuck puts them headlining over primordial?! Catering to the nu scene.

Why do I feel so god damn annoyed yet excited with this fest
Korpiklaani pleases me greatly. Too bad it came at the expense of Primordial. They certainly should be headlining this fest. It's a fucking insult to have them come after two bands that shouldn't step a foot out of their respective garages.

Not to mention a band named "Swashbuckle" was added...

This shit is fucking AWFUL. Not only does it not fit the theme, it just plain sucks.

This is the worst band I've heard since Firethorn.
Korpiklaani might be fun if your shit faced drunk (something Jerry and Mike should have no problem achieving by the time lunch hits that day), but honestly, over primordial and moonsorrow? FUCK.