Pain Of Salvation

PoS is a band that took me a long time to finally get into.

I tried listening to The Perfect Element, OHbtCL, and they bored me to death.

then after much convincing, I gave Remedy Lane another spin, and was blown away!
so after that I went back to previous albums and enjoyed them a lot more. It finally clicked.

I still don't like BE though.........
Chromatose said:
PoS is a band that took me a long time to finally get into.

I tried listening to The Perfect Element, OHbtCL, and they bored me to death.

then after much convincing, I gave Remedy Lane another spin, and was blown away!
so after that I went back to previous albums and enjoyed them a lot more. It finally clicked.

I still don't like BE though.........

I was the same exact way, except that it was TPE that got me into them. But now I'm liking them all (still out on BE as well).
OdinsCourt said:
I, too, think these albums are very similar. In fact, someone could have told me it's a double album and I would have believed it.

I'm on The Perfect Element now, and it is a bit more spastic so far.


Let me give you one piece of advice about TPE....LET IT GROW ON YOU! This cd was built up as amazing by many posters around the net. I remember my first spin...I thought it had some great moments, but I didn't see what was so special about it. If I could name one cd that took me the longest to "get" it would be TPE. The rewards are well worth it though as the entire concept and cd as a whole is VERY well done. Don't give up on this cd if it doesn't grip you off the bat...I'm sure glad that I didn't.
I need to put the pics up. I'll do that soon!

@ChangeOfSeasons - Don't worry - I'll give it a fair try. I listened to OHbtCL and Entropia about 25 times each over 4 or 5 weeks. I've listened to TPE about 4 times now. There are some great moments. I'm sure I'll like it. :D

@Chromotose - I'm looking forward to RL - I've heard nothing but good things about it! I'm going in chronological order, so I'm doing it a bit differently than you.
Rick Pierpont said:
Bite me, Cheeseboy!!! :grin:

Great question! Matt?

You'd love it, but then I'd be infringing on Danny's property! LOL!!! :Saint:

I'd rather ride 100 miles naked on cobblestones, on a bicycle seat made of razor wire than "....bite" you :yell:

I saw the pics from the gig linked in another post. Thanks Matt!

Hey Pierpont, ever play that Charvel?
or are you just too embarrassed to show the world those Strawberry Shortcake stickers you put on it?

Lookin forward to a little Wheeeeeeeee when I get home tonight!
It's raining, and I need my umbrella!