Panopticon/Oceanic > any Opeth release

Sickman said:
I don't find Isis repetitive at all. At least not any more repetitive than Opeth. Even if a particular piece of music is repeated, Isis add something to it or tweak it the next time through to make it more interesting. Before venturing into this thread, I never thought to compare Isis and Opeth. There are certain periods where I much rather listen to Oceanic and/or Panopticon over any Opeth album. And then there are times where I'd rather listen to any Opeth album (not including Deliverance and Damnation) over Oceanic and Panopticon. Both bands offer something completely different. That being said, I've listened to Isis more over the past couple years than I have Opeth. But when asked, I'd probably list Opeth higher on my list of favorite bands. To me, Opeth are more hit and miss. With most of their albums, there are a few songs off of each one that I don't really care for too much. But with Isis, Oceanic and Panopticon just flow together perfectly from beginning to end.

Isis is great and i like them, but i just don't think they are serious competition for Opeth for reasons that i've already explained before imhoafaict.
wankerness said:
I finally gave Oceanic and Panopticon serious listens yesterday, and :OMG: I can definitely understand why tons of people like them more than opeth.

Panopticon rules so much, ''In Fiction'', ''Backlit'', and ''Grinning Mouths'' are colossal tracks, Oceanic is almost as good...but i can't see why the tons of people you're talking about like them more than Opeth...but whatever.
wankerness said:
I finally gave Oceanic and Panopticon serious listens yesterday, and :OMG: I can definitely understand why tons of people like them more than opeth.

What Opeth used to do for me, Isis now do tenfold.

Opeth used to make my hair stand up.

When I listen to "Carry", inevitably I will feel every hair on my body, to my fuckin legs, stand on end. Not trying to be elitist, but I've listened to a lot of bands, and nothing besides classical music will do that to me.
I'd take both over any Opeth album, but that's probably not a surprise to anyone here. I think its weird to compare the two though, I listen to both for different reasons and get different feelings from both. I go through stages of listening to Opeth, but am always into ISIS. I just feel much more emotion in their music.
i aint play this said:
Isis is far more repetitive than Opeth, there is no doubt about it, are you kidding me? Opeth's music has guitar solos, more complex riffs, a lot of tempo-changes, acoustic guitars...while Isis songs are full of repetition and full of simplistic parts, have you even heard Isis ftlog?...and i compared both bands just to show that Opeth is far superior in terms of musical quality and to show WHY they can't be compared to are angry because Opeth is indeed better, you should get over it imo.

How can you compare their "musical quality?" Both bands are going for different things in their music. If you're saying more technical music is of better quality, then sure Opeth is better, but thats not the case.
^I think you misunderstood what i was trying to say...the post that you quoted was referring to the whole: ''repetition'' subject, and nothing to do with the: ''more technical=better'' equation.
i aint play this said:
Opeth pwns Isis in every possible aspects, like: more VARIATION in the songwriting, better singing(and growling too), more technical and dynamic, less repetitive, etc.

^These are the true reasons of Opeth's superiority imo, if you don't think so that is fine, but i was not implying that complexity=quality.
Ah I guess I see what you're saying... but I don't necessarily think those aspects listed above make a band better than another (I guess the vocals would, but Aaron has gotten A LOT better at clean singing on the new album which is exciting.. i would mike is a better vocalist though overall). I don't think ISIS ever set out to make songs with ever changing sections with hard to play riffs, so you can't really compare them on those. If we were comparing a band that actually sounded like Opeth then I would definitely discuss those aspects though. Overall, both bands rule at what they do. :kickass:
To be honest, ISIS are better for me. As Toucan said, ISIS do for me what Opeth used to do, just not tenfold. It's more like ISIS has crept up and finally taken opeth's place. I don't think it's fair or possible to compare the bands, as they're just SO different. But the raw emotion of ISIS is definitely something that Opeth doesn't have in the same amounts as far as I'm concerned.
^How long have you been listening to Opeth and how long have you been listening to Isis?
I somewhat feel the same way, but pretty much listen to them for different reasons for the most part. The emotion is definitely what makes me prefer ISIS overall though. I've been listening to both around the same time I think (around 5 or so years now).
Teh Evil Toucan said:
I got into Opeth when BWP came out. I got into ISIS last year.

It's not unlikely that you prefer Isis over Opeth just because you've gotten a bit tired from Opeth. I wonder how you'll feel about this in 5 years, you'll probably say <insert band you just got into> is better than Opeth and Isis. When you've just discovered a band and their sound is still fresh to your ears, it's easy to assess their music as better than a band that you have been listening to for many many years and whose music you know through and through, and which has gotten a bit old.