Paradise Lost bonus tracks?

Nov 20, 2006
@ Jax - Do you know if there's any plan to release the PL bonus tracks on the website, like MJR did with Frontiers? There were two bonus tracks, right? Like an alternate intro and an alternate version of Sacrifice?
I live in Japan right now so I actually bought the Japanese version of the album. The bonus tracks are an alternate intro for the album and an extended alternate intro for the sacrifice (its not the entire song, just a small instrumental part that would have been played before the rest of the song). Both tracks are a few minutes long and are basically just sorta like demos. Its not like frontiers where its actually a full song that didnt make the album. They are interesting but you arnt missing out on all that much. The intro track for the album is much better and more epic than the demo one they didnt include. The extended intro to sacrifice would have been cool to have on the song but it doesnt suffer much without it honestly. Also, the Japanese version comes in a regular jewel case like all their previous albums did instead of the special fold out sleave style. Also, I forgot what the CD looks like for the US version but the CD itself of the Japanese version has the artwork of that sorta red tentacle eye beast thing covering the whole disc, I guess to make up for not having it inside the fold out case
Whereas an elongated Sacrifice intro would be cool, I have no desire to hear a different album opener. The intro as it stands is perfect for the album.

I agree with you bout the opener!

When i first heard The Sacrifice, i was like "hey, they jump right into the singer, no opener or anything" so maybe an opener would be sweet....

Yeah, as others have said, they're more parts of songs than actual entire tracks. Frontiers was made available after ya'll pissed and moaned long enough about wanting to hear it, & I just don't see that happening with these.
Yeah, as others have said, they're more parts of songs than actual entire tracks. Frontiers was made available after ya'll pissed and moaned long enough about wanting to hear it, & I just don't see that happening with these.

Hehehehehehe, but it WORKED! :lol: ;) WLOJ!
I have a question that is a little off topic.

Where can i find the "bonus content: Band interview and screen saver"???
I have all the special editions of the CD's but for some reason, i did not get the extra CD with it containing the bonus content... :mad:

They're on the same cd as the music, as the final 'track'.

How do i access it then?

When i play it on a CD player it stops at track #10.
And when i load it onto Itunes it stops at #10 also...

There is nothing is to see...

Oh well, the bonus tracks aren't full songs, anyway (like the very underrated Frontiers was). I'd still like to hear them, though. Is there any "official" way to do this without getting the Japanese version of the album? Are they downloadable for a fee?