Will there be a Japanese Bonus Track for Paradise Lost?

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when I said I was done, btw, I didn't just mean for now...I am done with this forum...only you freaks could take a serious question thread and piss me off enough to make it all spam...

So why do you keep replying. If you just left quietly you would of had some dignity left... To late now.
Jesus H. Freakin' Christ...
Knock it the fuck off, ALL of you! It's late, I just got home, and I don't want to mop up the forum again!

AGX - Why is it almost every controversial thread here ends up with you holding the gas can and a match? Here's a thought, if somebody pisses you off, just tell em' to take a flying fuck at a rolling donut, and stop trying to get in the last word. You got your answer, and you didn't do ANYTHING to resolve the situation. Name calling and flaming is a bannable offense, keep it up and you'll find out. If I go back & search threads, I'm sure I've warned you about this before. Knock it off! NOW.
I can't even go to work at night without you guys behaving like children? WTF.

Keep this crap up and there won't be a SymX forum, period. I fought to keep this place open once when the idiocy got out of hand..I won't do it again.

Thread closed. Bans will commence if the flames and insults and general inability to play nice doesn't end NOW.
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