MasqueReaper said:On the Breath of Posidon is a good example of a filler.
raythetse said:i think you guys are misunderstanding what filler is... filler is writing a song half assed just cuz you have room for one or more extra songs. its like you have 3 great songs and wanna make an album so you write a bunch of shit in a hurry to get ur album on the shelves.
wholeheartedly agree...great tuneCantoX said:The turning is a fast, awsome heavy song that goes with the overall tone of the album
The intro solo is amazing and the way that Russell sang it was almost like a battle, one point of the man then the other of the beast.. and he sings agressively at the first of the second verse
Alot of losers today say they scream or do cookie monster vocals because they want to sound evil or agressive, and whoever says that to me i show them the turning and how Russell sings and i say this ' Now that is how to sound evil but still singing '
And the harmonized parts are amazing
Oh ! And Romeo's solo, he does ths massive dive bomb at the first that completely goes with the song and how it is
Another work of art I say !
I suppose I could believe you... my brother is friends with Romeo, he calls him every once in a while and I'm pretty sure he's confirmed the same thing. I just want to say that this obviously might not be the case, so nobody should believe it 100% yet.MasqueReaper said:It's gonna be 10 tracks with 1 epic song, no "fillers". My best friend asked one of the bandmembers himself on Saturday (I'm not going to say who in the band, b/c I am assuming info is not supposed to leak), he says that Romeo hardly leaves his basement anymore. More than half of the album is recorded including all of the drums. The most exciting thing is that he said that the bass sound is going to rip!! Damn I can't wait...
btw, you do not have to believe this info if you don't want to...but living in New Jersey has its perks every once in a while...
MasqueReaper said:It's gonna be 10 tracks with 1 epic song, no "fillers". My best friend asked one of the bandmembers himself on Saturday (I'm not going to say who in the band, b/c I am assuming info is not supposed to leak), he says that Romeo hardly leaves his basement anymore. More than half of the album is recorded including all of the drums. The most exciting thing is that he said that the bass sound is going to rip!! Damn I can't wait...
btw, you do not have to believe this info if you don't want to...but living in New Jersey has its perks every once in a while...
The Stormbringer said:Lepond supposedly having a ripping bass sound makes me all giddy .![]()
The Stormbringer said:I don't think the bass sound on "The Odyssey" was that bad, though mostly because the overall sound was much clearer than on "V", making it easier for the bass to "peek through" the wall of guitar, so to speak. (The bass-heavy parts in "Communion..." and "Egypt" excluded.)
Still miles away from being as distinct as Miller's sound, which is sad because Lepond has proved to be on par with Miller on LOTEOF.
MasqueReaper said:Yikes, this definitely calls for a seperate thread. I used to believe that Miller was the shit, but after hearing Live on the Edge of Forever and seeing Syx live, I know that Leopond shits on Miller. The best examples of this can be heard in LOTEoF, Leopond rips all over Millers original parts in Church of the Machine, he improves tons of crazy riffs, and there is even one occasion during the second verse where Rullo and Leopond improvise a crazy off-time part that is NOT on the album. I also think Leopond rips Sea of Lies much smoother live then Miller did on the album. The only difference is that Miller used to help Romeo write, and his influence really gave syx their sound. Anyone else feel this way?
MasqueReaper said:It's gonna be 10 tracks with 1 epic song
raythetse said:romeo said the longer track would not be an epic like odyssey and devine wings
I expect to hear something allong the lines of through the looking glass for a long track.