Pardon me

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You are all wrong.
I actually did some studies on the origin of the genre, and it came from neither At the gates or In Flames. At the gates is believed to have created it, but there was a Melodic Death Metal scene in gothenburg before them. It's just that the band who created it (I'm not exactly sure off of the top of my head, but I know that I listen to them.) aren't as popular as like... At The Gates, In Flames & Dark Tranquillity. They are still wicked though.
Cr4zyIrishJohn said:
Please explain. BTW, Your name is Average Stalker, which is the name of a Soilwork album...

In Flames > Soilwork.

Refer to Whoracle, and the date that it came out for examples of In Flames' greatness. :mad:

Both bands are garbage now. I used to love In Flames, but my musical taste has changed and even their good albums are "meh" to me now. I’m probably in the minority with this opinion, but I always preferred Soilwork to In Flames. I’d take The Chainheart Machine or A Predator's Portrait over any In Flames album.
WithoutJudgementJeremy said:
Kalmah are Melodic Death Metal. As are those other bands you listed like Bodom & Dark Tranquillity.

I trust your words and no Metal-Archives... Well, somehow, according to them they consider Kalmah- Speed/Power Metal with Harsh Vocals... Weird...
Probably pretty soon there will be another "What exactly does Kalmah mean?" thread or "I know this is a stupid question but how do you pronounce Kalmah anyway?" thread.
Haha. Probably, Its because all the new people start liking Kalmah (Which is good for them) and come in and post questions everybody else has.
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