paris gig 28th

Oh, cheers :)
Would you let me know when it's certain? So I could ask Danny if he can get me and Marieke on the guestlist, cos it's our only possibility :erk: I doubt if he would accept people he doesn't know though, Marieke isn't a forum user...
recently I drove through a nearby city for the first time, and it was crazy, stupid drivers, got lost but made it there and back in about twice as much time as it should take
I had to drive all across Belgium for me old job. I didn't get lost that much (quite rare for a woman to be able to read maps :)). And I even know me way around Brussels (tho I avoid driving thru it by night)

But I hate driving in a big strange city as Paris.
"quite rare for a woman to be able to read maps "

hah! that's what they say! in fact they say it so many times you start to believe it!
well: it's a lie!
Andy_2003 said:
recently I drove through a nearby city for the first time, and it was crazy, stupid drivers, got lost but made it there and back in about twice as much time as it should take
heheh, you surely know people are driving on the left side in england, don't you? :p