paris gig 28th

cedarbreed said:
Bollix , the venue can hold 300 people. Well packed.
Anyways, some people told me that they could not breathe during the metallica show, and there were over 300 people so i guess the venue won't be so "over-crowded"
But please come to Lyons!Why on earth? :erk:
cedarbreed said:
Bollix , the venue can hold 300 people. Well packed.
yeah, dries told me. but i think i can't make it to brussels that early.

i think i'll go by bus. from antwerp tho. dunno yet
travelling together would be nice tho :)
:rock: hmmm, i love this night

1. danny playing holland and belgium next week
2. you comming for sure
3. had a nice night at zigzag

Oh :) There are more musicians than I expected on this board, I'm interested in going to Paris, who can help me get in ? Breaklose ? Pagan 2002 ? Cedarbreed ? Thortyir ? Anyone ? I really want to come and meet you all, especially the musicians :)
cedarbreed said:
Hah Hey , all those who intend to attend the metalfest, get in touch with me to buy tickets or make reservations.
making reservations is the same like 'you getting me in for free' ?
I'm going...
with Celine, Bertrand, Lionel, François, Nathalie, Loic and Xuena (my girlfriend)

They don't know Anathema that much. I hope they will enjoy.
IF they don't like it, I'm supposed to pay the ticket.