paris gig 28th

cedarbreed said:
:confused: Or maybe it's another Arnaud you're talking about ? *NARCISSIC MODE OFF*
Well, in case I can't even get 2 guests in with Breaklose, do you reckon Danny could put me parents names on his list ?
ah i was talking about you alrite :D ah u'd better pm or email danny to be sure. if that doesnt work out, lemme know.
toolsofthetrade said:
ah i was talking about you alrite :D ah u'd better pm or email danny to be sure. if that doesnt work out, lemme know.

Done, wait and see ... But I won't blame Danny if he cannot since there are already a bunch of people who need it. On the contrary, I WILL severely blame the organisators if they don't grant Breaklose a(n even small) guestlist ...
cedarbreed said:
I WILL severely blame the organisators if they don't grant Breaklose a(n even small) guestlist ...
whooo, rock and roll attitude :rock: oooh no, it was for your mammie and pappie , that's no rock and roll, that's,... metalcore?
anyway, having spoken to Danny, there's just limited space for him to get a few ppl thru the entrance restrictions (it's sold out, firebrigade instructions and that)

So what it comes down to is that there's a list going to Danny, from which he will pick a definate list of a number of ppl who will diguise themselves as roadies :D

i will add everyone to the list who applied, but he cant make everyone happy, i'm afraid. yeh easy to say for s'one who is sorted already hehehe

So what it comes down to is that there's a list going to Danny, from which he will pick a definate list of a number of ppl who will diguise themselves as roadies :D

Arnaud, please tell your parents to dress up like roadies:tickled:
toolsofthetrade said:
So what it comes down to is that there's a list going to Danny, from which he will pick a definate list of a number of ppl who will diguise themselves as roadies :D
allright, i will disguise myself as their hairdresser...IF i'm in that is :( :erk: :ill:

fuck, i don't like this ...:yell:
as you probably figured, I'm not going to be able to make it.

Let's say we've had some really big problems the last few weeks.(NEVER, ever start a business with other people :yell: especially when they are IDIOTS.) But we can see the end of the tunnel.

I didn't have tickets anyway and it's too late to make arrangements.
But have fun y'all!:wave: