Paris Hilton freed from jail...

I thought it was because she wouldn't eat the food?

Seriously, how could any judge allow this? Don't they have any pride or respect for what they are supposed to represent? She keeps spitting on the face of our judicial system, and then when she is about to get what she deserves, "waaaah, I don't want to go to pwison. I don't wike the food".
It's not like she was even going to prison anyway. Jail is no picnic, but she probably wouldn't have had a dozen broomsticks shoved up her cunt, although I'm sure she'd love every minute of that.
Someone should just shoot the bitch.
Yeah, she got her psychiatrist to say she was "fragile and weak" to the sheriff, also.

Its totally ridiculous. She needs to DIE. Preferably in a slow, painful way.
i'm glad i try to avoid pointless celebrity news... oh wait...
Normally, I avoid celebrity news like the plague. But this is all over every TV station, and the internet.