Paris Hilton freed from jail...

Ha! Serves her sorry ass right! Fucking spoiled cunt.
i'm glad the stupid slut is in jail, she needs to realize that rules apply to her rich spoiled ass also. its really sad that she's actually influencing a generation of girls to be as retarded as she is. at my old school a blonde sophmore idolized her and had her pictures everywhere and wore whatever clothes she saw her wearing and was pretty much a rich spoiled stupid slut. it was the saddest thing i've ever seen.
Uh -- wow guys! What did the ridiculous spoiled little twat ever do to you? Geez! I love that she's going back to jail and that she has to actually do her time. I'm willing to bet it's the first time she's ever had a punishment stick in her life, though, and frankly, it would suck to have parents that suck that badly. She shouldn't be learning that the rules apply to her, too, like this -- she should have learned when she was 6 and could still just be turned over someone's knee. Do you have ANY idea what it costs the taxpayers to keep a woman like that in jail? She is not doing her time just like everyone else, she is under a microscope, with everyone covering their respective asses 6 layers deep while simultaneously trying to get a covert picture of her out of the jail so they can retire comfortably. None of this is a cause for celebration! Can't you see the ONLY sensible solution is to move on her parents with all our collective vigilante wrath?

(Then, when there's nobody left with enough money to sue the jail, then and only then will you get your lesbian pictars...)