Passion Immortal


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
For a few years now i've been doing compilations of music in which i edit the pieces heavily and place the emphasis on arrangement and flow. The goal is to create a genuine "album" out of a collection of songs or parts of songs. The idea is that the arrangement of the pieces will bring something out in the pieces that is greater than merely hearing them on their own, ie, the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. I wanted to create music that would flow between very different and contrasting emotions smoothly.

For the first 2 years or so, i went through a couple different phases of mixing, starting with more song-oriented music and generally moving towards more and more ambient styles. The original mix i did (Tired Sounds Of A Wondering Mind for those who remember) covered a fair bit of ground and was to feature the most actual "songs" of all. The point was to create something powerful to listen to when you go to bed, or when you are just listening to music alone at night. From there, i did 2 more (Requiem Of Gospels Forsaken, which was the "scary" one, and Moonlight Litany, which was the "depressing" one) until finally deciding that i should stick to the original intention of the projects, which was to create these intense contrasts of emotion, and set to work on a project called Passion Immortal.

Passion Immortal then became the "name" of the whole concept for me. Since deciding to do Passion Immortal, i incorporated parts from all 3 of the previous mixes i had done, and after a lot of editing and preparation (and a few preliminary releases before i was happy with the final edition) I had something i was extremely happy with for the first time.

This is probably not really the type of forum for this kind of thing, as guitars are essentially non existant, and there is no metal of ANY sort, but i thought there might be a few here with a bit of interest. Essentially, the music is highly atmospheric "mood" music, and the whole purpose of it was to have something to listen to alone, in the dark at night. It almost works like the soundtrack to a movie inside your head.

I've just now completed the second Passion Immortal compilation, which i've called Stardust Moments. This one is a little less intense and more subtle in approach than the original. It's a 2 disc set around 2 hours, so still very long, but shorter than the first Passion Immortal mix. This one has less of the dynamic volume "spike" as well, so it can actually be listened to more when you actually want to sleep and listen to music before bed too hehe.

Anyway, that's enough babbling. If anyone is interested in this, you can download them from the links below. Now i don't reccomend you listen to ANY of this on your PC, as it's just not the kind of music you would want to listen to while browsing forums, chatting, etc. It's specifically made for times alone, in the dark. I reccomend if you are interested, you download them, and burn them to CD, and wait for an appropriate time to listen to it. Trust me when i say you won't be impressed if you listen to it the same way you do your metal and whatnot. It requires a different atmosphere

Passion Immortal: All over the map, from terrifying, to beautiful, to depressing, etc.

Stardust Moments: The lighter, simpler of the two. This one stays mainly in the realm of subtley pretty music, with next to nothing terrifying, and only the occasional depressing bit.
Argh. I still haven't had a chance to listen to this. I will soon though. Just need to find a moment when I have time to sit still for long enough to give it a proper listen and also am in the mood to actually do so. :\
Well, if you must know, this is the tracklist for Passion Immortal:

Part I

(00:00-00:42) Green Carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness
(00:22-01:50) Michael Andrews - Carpathian Ridge
(00:53-01:01) Monstrare - Demerokt In 2001
(01:45-09:31) Anathema - Temporary Peace
(08:20-10:42) Vitalij Kuprij - Reflections
(10:24-16:11) Michael Hedges - Spare Change
(16:00-16:50) *Rain + Bells*
(16:44-19:27) Ulf Soderberg - Nordvinterogon
(19:13-19:27) Monstrare - Demerokt In 2001

Part II

(00:00-10:00) No-Man - Photographs In Black & White
(10:00-10:27) Devin Townsend - Things Beyond Things
(10:12-14:49) Sea Green Series - The Chairs Creaked Under The Three Women
(14:50-17:31) Elend - Moon Of Amber
(17:06-20:25) Inade - To Those...
(19:55-27:59) Raison D'Etre - Towards Desolation
(22:41-24:38) Godspeed You Black Emperor - Dead Flag Blues
(24:38-26:22) Devil Doll - The Sacrilege Of Fatal Arms
(27:39-30:52) Max Richter - Embers
(30:03-32:52) *Rain + Bells*
(31:35-31:49) Monstrare - Demerokt In 2001
(31:42-33:44) Coph Nia - Briefing
(33:20-40:16) Caul - Hidden
(38:22-40:44) Diamanda Galas - Vena Cava
(40:44-42:06) Szymon Kuran - Kyrie
(42:06-42:12) Elend - In The Embrasure Of Heaven
(42:12-49:03) Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah

Part III

(00:00-00:15) Lustmord - The Cell
(00:13-01:37) Coph Nia - Stigmata Martyr
(01:22-07:22) Bloodbox - Mother Of Dust
(06:59-09:07) Sophia - Last Movement
(08:44-17:15) Coph Nia - The Mirror
(16:56-18:43) Elend - In The Embrasure Of Heaven
(18:20-18:56) Caul - Hidden
(18:22-26:50) Nordvargr - Black Emitting Oven
(25:47-29:32) *Rain + Bells*
(27:24-28:51) Northaunt - Ode
(28:47-33:49) Northaunt - Running Out Of Time
(33:19-39:55) Szymon Kuran - Dies Irae
(39:38-40:15) Strapping Young - Info Dump
(39:38-45:37) Nordvargr - Orgasmo Nero
(45:12-46:19) Nordvargr - Decomposition Of Forces
(45:12-51:25) Sunn O))) - Bathory Erzsebet

Part IV

(00:00-00:10) Elend - Au Trefonds Des Tenebre
(00:10-05:11) Sea Green Series - Interactive Soap Opera
(04:56-o6:39) Elend - La Terre N'aime Pas Le Sang
(06:24-11:38) Raison D'Etre - Fall Of The Damned
(10:58-13:24) Devil Doll - The Sacrilege Of Fatal Arms
(13:00-16:57) *Rain + Bells*
(14:52-16:59) Monstrare - Demerokt In 2001
(15:35-22:53) Caul - Hidden
(17:13-24:08) New Risen Throne - Prophet II
(22:21-25:03) Lustmord - Amalgamated Man
(23:57-25:03) Devil Doll - Eliogabalus
(24:16-24:46) Devil Doll - Dies Irae
(25:03-25:45) Raison D'Etre - Cenotaph
(25:26-25:43) Monstrare - Demerokt In 2001

Part V

(00:00-04:14) Deathspell Omega - Carnal Malefactor
(03:19-09:37) Raison D'Etre - Inner Depths Of Sadness
(09:18-11:02) Ulver - Wild Cat
(10:55-11:20) Raison D'Etre - Inner Depths Of Sadness
(11:13-17:25) Max Richter - On The Nature Of Daylight
(17:26-19:05) Max Richter - Written On The Sky

Part VI

(00:00-04:30) Ulf Soderberg - Sadan Var Om Sommaren
(03:00-08:18) Arvo Part - Cantus In Memory Of Benajmin Britten
(08:12-14:06) Kevin Gilbert - Song For A Dead Friend
(13:31-16:42) *Rain + Bells*
(14:17-14:56) Crass - Reality Asylum
(15:23-22:56) Arvo Part - Fur Alina
(22:50-24:06) Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
(24:02-24:21) Lustmord - Cellular Blur
(24:06-38:46) Arvo Part - Litany
(37:44-45:19) Ulf Soderberg - Morgonmane
(38:34-40:40) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
(42:48-44:38) William Shatner - What Have You Done?
(44:31-46:11) Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata
(45:31-45:40) Monstrare - Demerokt In 2001
(45:59-47:10) Green Carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness
(51:21-52:22) Michael Andrews - Did You Know Him?
boooo... shoulda been the sin-e.... it's already a step closer to 'old radio'...

but yay Jeff anyway...

I'm thoroughly impressed with the diveristy and quality of everything you included. Cheers. I can't ever remember Arvo Part or Max Richter being mentioned on UM.
dammit you people. I'm telling you, you are missing out on something really great. Here's a review:

ok, where to start...

i cant really define how i feel after listening to this.

at first, it felt quite lethargic, slow and beautiful, almost like a dream unfolding infront of you, but not actually being able to see what was happening. the mood shifted quickly and became quite melancholy and sad, i felt a few tears welling up at one point.after this it became much heavier, much darker and much more of an experience than a cause of feelings. it surpassed emotion or feeling and tapped into something far more primal, something i had never seen before. it was like i had my fears from my childhood placed infront of me, i started to remember nightmares i had long forgotten. it was disturbing and terrifying, i could actually feel how i used to feel when i experienced the nightmares i used to have. it felt like i was out of control, i felt vulnerable and lost. i was scared and lonely, but not in a way i could describe. but when i tried to remember what it was that i feared, i couldnt remeber. it was like i had hidden the cause of the fear but i could still feel it there, something so dark i didnt want to remember it. after this things became strange again, and fear turned to sadness, yet the loneliness stuck with me. i cried, no, i wept for all the people i had lost and for how much i had changed over the last few years. i remembered people i hadnt thought of in years, i remembered everything i had forgotten or had made myself forget. i cried for all those people i had mistreated and let down. but then my feelings changed again, i became aware of who i am, and that i am a product of who i was. we are one in the same and i can be who i want to be. i know this is all sounding very silly, but i cant really describe how i felt in any other way...i came to accept everything i had just thought of and everything i had just remembered, like it was a part of me whether or not i wanted it to be. its almost as if this piece of music (or whatever you want to call it) exposed who i was; my hopes, my fears, my hate and my love. it truly showed me what it was to be me and showed me how to accept myself for i am. it was almost a spiritual feeling, something i couldnt control but at the same time i was the one who was causing it. this truly is more than a musical experience, this will truly expose who you are, who you believe yourself to be. i dont even know if this is possible, but it has happened, and more than ever i am amazed at the power of music.
I was going to write here that you should take a look at Devin Townsend's music and how he composes and mixes his stuff so it flows together really well.. but it seems you already know of his stuff... I'll definitely have a listen to your stuff.