The most terrifying and/or abysmally depressing songs

(M)aggoT said:
Anyway, you like to feel depressed? For me it depends on the day, usually I listen to most agressive shit on earth. What is the purpose of feeling depressed? I sure like to feel depressed but It's no good:p

I'm an extremist :p i just enjoy exploring emotions, and i think the safest way is through music. I am always looking for music that is the most *insert feeling here*. It can be happy, sad, beautiful, hilarious, demented, etc... I just like seeing the extent to which an emotion or feeling can be stimulated or pushed by music. Besides, depressing music for me doesn't KEEP me depressed.. maybe while listening i am, but usually afterwards it makes me feel BETTER!
Mumblefood said:
I'm an extremist :p i just enjoy exploring emotions, and i think the safest way is through music. I am always looking for music that is the most *insert feeling here*. It can be happy, sad, beautiful, hilarious, demented, etc... I just like seeing the extent to which an emotion or feeling can be stimulated or pushed by music. Besides, depressing music for me doesn't KEEP me depressed.. maybe while listening i am, but usually afterwards it makes me feel BETTER!

I also feel better after being depressed. What do you listen to make yourself happy then?:p
Power metal pisses me off as hell, I hate it, so it wouldn't make me happy:mad: I always laugh when I hear Hatebeak:lol:
I highly recommend you "Pan Thy Monium - Behrial", this track has 6 min but it is beautiful, I listen to it rarely because I don't want to be bored with it, usually if it is playing I don't want to stop listening to it.
Carcassian said:

Crowbar - Time Heals Nothing.

I love doom, but nothing (and I mean nothing) has that "When the going gets tough, slit your wrists" vibe to it more than the fat men...
Damn straight Crowbar knows a thing or two about hopelessness shit
not having a home now does'nt help either.
Bethlehem - Schatten aus der Alexander Welt (that's some pretty fucked up depressing shit, albeit excellent musically as well)

earlier stuff by Elend
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
"New Death Sensation" by Acid Bath will spoil just about anyone's good mood.
Also "Graveflower" from the same album (Paegan Terrorism Tactics). "Best song ever" etc. Generally Acid Bath's music is the perfect soundtrack for any possible emotional decay.
I finally had time to sift through my music collection and look for some stuff, so.... A lot of these songs have guitars/beats/lyrics so they might not be what you're looking for as far as Passion Immortal goes, but you might still enjoy them either way ^_^


A Silver Mount Zion - Broken Chords Can Sing A Little
A Silver Mount Zion - 13 Angels Standing Guard 'Round The Side of Your Bed
Black Lung - Prozac Parade
Black Lung - Everything You Know Is Wrong
Coil - Amber Rain
Coil - Going Up
Fields of the Nephilim - At The Gates of Silent Memory (from the album Elizium, the whole album is a masterpiece really)
Front Line Assembly - Prophecy
Jarboe - Lavender Girl
Mago - Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole
Michael Gira - Where Does Your Body Begin?
Michael Gira - Blind
Mono - Mopish Morning, Halation Wiper
Morte Macabre - Lullaby
Nick Drake - Things Behind The Sun
Paatos - Tea
Portishead - um... loads?
Raison D'Etre (but you already have a lot by them I think)
Snog - Late Twentieth Century Boy
Steve von Till - Twice Born
Swans - In The Eyes of Nature
The Tear Garden - A Ship Named Despair
This Mortal Coil - Song To The Siren (I believe this is a cover of someone but I forget who)
VNV Nation - Distant (Rubicon II)
VNV Nation - Carbon
Void of Silence - Human Antithesis


Atrium Carceri - Machine Elves
Blut Aus Nord - The Howling of God
Coil - It's In My Blood
Gruntsplatter (can't really pick any specific song)
Herbst9 - Erdschleife
Jarboe - Not Noah's Ark
Jarboe - Rage
Michael Gira - Why I Ate My Wife
Michael Gira - I See Them All Lined Up
Navicon Torture Technologies - Deathery
Navicon Torture Technologies - Paterfamilias

I don't know if you're familiar with Swans but you should definitely check them out if you are not (they were a big influence on Neurosis for one). Early Swans is really noisy and painful on the ears, later Swans is less painful but more depressing and dark. I listed a few tracks from Michael Gira (Swans founder) and Jarboe (joined him on the later albums). You probably heard the Neurosis & Jarboe album atleast.

I also thoroughly recommend checking out the soundtracks for the Silent Hill videogame series (1-3 atleast, I don't know 4). And play the games ofcourse. If you like to experience extreme emotions then that would definitely be a good experience! The soundtracks are mostly instrumental, 1 being mostly ambient/drone, 2 being instrumental pieces, and 3 being some instrumental and some vocal tracks. All very atmospheric and creepy/depressing (though probably moreso if you have actually experienced the games).
Thanks a lot for taking the time to look through your collection and type all that up!

As for Swans, I am fairly familiar with them, and also found them through the Neurosis route. I've got most everything they did from '89 on, but haven't heard much of the earlier stuff. Cool to see you like Black Lung too... i LOVE Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars. Fantastic album. Anyway, i've heard quite a bit of that, but there's 15 or so on that list i haven't heard, so i'll be sure to get what i can. Thanks again!
Have you heard Snog? It's the same guy behind Black Lung (David Thrussel), but the music is totally different. It's really fun in the goofy kind of way, it started out as harsh'ish electronic music and slowly moved into western type stuff. With lyrics mostly dealing with the future and capitalism and things like that. It's very um... unique. I can't think of anything that sounds like it. David Thrussel's spoken word album called The Voices of Reason is also worth getting.
IOfTheStorm said:
Also "Graveflower" from the same album (Paegan Terrorism Tactics). "Best song ever" etc. Generally Acid Bath's music is the perfect soundtrack for any possible emotional decay.

Acid Bath sucks
1- Morgion - Solinari(doom metal)
2-Tristitia - Crucidiction(dark metal)

And i take a chance with few others,but probably you know about those one...

1- Candlemass - Epicus, doomicus,metallicus
2-Type O Negative - World coming down