The most terrifying and/or abysmally depressing songs

There are a lot of songs that I find depressing. Metal songs that do this are Hypocrisy's Arrival of the Demons pts 1 and 2 and especially Slippin' Away, off of Abducted. As well as Paled Empty Sphere from the s/t album.
The Sexuality of Bereavement by My Dying Bride
Deadlocked by Tristania
There are a lot more depressing songs, but they're mainly softer and sad and not usually DM or BM.

Blut Aus Nord can creep me out a little. I can't think of any song that's really creeped me out (I mean after I went through puberty.. When I was little tons of songs scared me. Meat Loaf!! :cry: )
Anyway, this is probably not worth posting but the only song to creep me out recently is my boyfriend's new song from his solo project Slaughtered Fields of Christ. It's just creepy. The breakdown part gives me chills every time.

Crowbar - Time Heals Nothing.

I love doom, but nothing (and I mean nothing) has that "When the going gets tough, slit your wrists" vibe to it more than the fat men...
Mumblefood said:
I'm working on a new Passion Immortal compilation, and i'm looking to amass some new material, so i'd be thankful if you guys could reccomend me some music. I'm looking for stuff that is just dark dark DARK, stuff with the potential to terrify you, and stuff that can completely change your mood and bring you right down. I don't necessarily mean "sad" depressing, but moreso the stuff that makes you feel completely lifeless.

So yeah, any help would be awesome, thanks!

Funny, I'm looking for that kind of music also, I will check this thread every day. Anyway I recommend you Beyond Sensory Experience, this is not metal music I think but some of the songs are creepy. To my knowledge they have only one album "Pursuit Of Pleasure".
Mumblefood said:
Well i read some reviews on this, some utterly praising it, some completely trashing it. I took your advice though and i bought it along with the previous EP just now for the hell of it. I better be scared:p

The only Axis of Perdition I've checked out is Physical Illucinations in the Sewer of Xuchilbara and I thought it was terrible. It seems like they were trying to accomplish what Blut Aus Nord did on The Work Which Transforms God, but unlike Blut Aus Nord they fail miserably in my opinion. Terrible sound quality and just pretty boring overall. I have to run in a bit but I'll see if I can come up with any recommendations that you might not have yet later. (It'd take me some time to go through my collection and listen to stuff since I'm not too good with remembering track names)

(I guess Blut Aus Nord counts as a recommendation but you probably already heard it, if not then definitely get the album I mentioned above)
sumairetsu said:
There's a song from the 1930's called Gloomy Sunday.

The song is so depressing, it's rumored to be the cause of several suicides and has actually been banned from the radio in 15 countries by governments because of its supposed suicidal influence.

It was originally written as an instrumental by Rezso Seress in 1931 and was given English lyrics in 1936 by Sam Lewis. Hal Kemp originally recorded it, then Billie Holiday made it a best-selling hit.

Incidentally, Rezso Seress, and the woman he wrote the song for, eventually killed himself.

I downloaded this song after seeing it mentioned here ages ago, but honestly I was a little disappointed. It's a nice song to be sure, but it hardly seems as utterly depressing as it was described to me at the time.
Alex78 said:
Neurosis - The Eye Of Every Storm is one of most depressing shit I've ever heard

I agree. Neurosis older style is a lot better imo. Souls At Zero is awsome.

Times of Grace,Through Silver in Blood are excellent also.
Alex78 said:
Neurosis - The Eye Of Every Storm is one of most depressing shit I've ever heard

oh god, it's true! it's so depressing...
but the albums Silent Enigma and Eternity by Anathema are disgraceful as well.

Some songs by My Dying Bride, specially The Thrash of Naked Limbs and The Cry of Man Kind are .... so ... whatever ....

But the most depressing band I've ever heard is Shape of Despair :waah:
I downloaded this song after seeing it mentioned here ages ago, but honestly I was a little disappointed. It's a nice song to be sure, but it hardly seems as utterly depressing as it was described to me at the time.

Same here. I've heard 3 or 4 different versions of the song, from the earliest version to a version by the Kronos Quartet, and while it was kinda depressing, it really wasn't THAT sad. Perhaps for it's time there was nothing like it, but considering what's out there nowadays, this really doesn't compare.
(M)aggoT said:
Funny, I'm looking for that kind of music also, I will check this thread every day. Anyway I recommend you Beyond Sensory Experience, this is not metal music I think but some of the songs are creepy. To my knowledge they have only one album "Pursuit Of Pleasure".

5 official releases, actually :) This is a kind of music i am very very familiar with, as dark ambient has been my main interest for probably 3 years or so. But this has reminded me to check out their latest, "the Dull Routine Of Existance", as i did like Persuit Of Pleasure quite a bit.
I've checked their site, actually they have released 5 albums. I only have "Pursuit Of Pleasure", and goddamn it I can't find nothing else:mad:
You know, if you're into that kind of thing, i realy think you should check out the first Passion Immortal compilation i did. It's a 3 disc set, and not all dark ambient, but disc 2 of it is, up until about january, filled with the most fucked up terrifying music i could think of.

more info here if you care to find out more:

I highly reccomend it, and for the purposes of this thread, especially disc 2. The other discs are a bit different, less oppressive and more melodic.
No problem. I don't know if you read the page with all the info, but If you really want to mess with your head, put it on when you go to bed tonight as loud as you can, and just lay there in the dark ;) That was the main purpose of the project, to make something specifically to listen to like that.
Anyway, you like to feel depressed? For me it depends on the day, usually I listen to most agressive shit on earth. What is the purpose of feeling depressed? I sure like to feel depressed but It's no good:p