Patriots first lost prediction

Who will beat the Patriots first?

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The Boondogs will tear it up in round 23 when Johnny Onecock takes out Chips McGee in a thrilling third quarter smackthrow.
I live in Boston, and even I can understand how people hate the Pats, because:

1. their dominance
2. the shady tactics (some might call it cheating) of Bill Belichick
3. Tom Brady - how can you not be jealous of him, he can get more chicks than any other guy on the planet. and obviously has had some very good luck on the field.
4. they are hyped to hell, but there were a lot of close calls and some luck involved in their past successes.
Is that really the only reason? I mean, I'm a Pats fan, and even I am abivalent towards him. I can't help but feel at least a little jealous of him because all the chicks here want him and he's much better looking than I am. What guy wouldn't wish that he was wanted by all women?

edit: @ Dodens
Uh...I don't give a shit about getting women, and couldn't possibly care less if he gets women. I hate how massively overrated he is and how smug he is.