Peaceville buy the rights for back katalogue

This is great news for those of us that aren't able to buy music off the internet. I'm very excited for the release.
more cds to buy.....I think its cool for the band....but since I have invested sooo much money buying all the originals and nearly every version I am dissapointed that the worth of my collection is going to go way down......but I suppose I shouldnt put my pride in my collection above the good of the band.....this is really good for them...
on one hand.. crap.
on two hands.. YAY!!!111LOTSOFNUMBERS!!

first off.. crap.. now i have to buy al those albums again.. loads of $$, but whats a colection if it isnt complete (Reece? :p )

then.. YAY!
now they can reissue, and fairly price October tide and DM albums!
on the forthcoming DVD (if it ever comes) no record label can prevent them from playing whatever songs they like (not that i think they would have, nor do i think they will play any other "old" song than Murder, but look at Opeff..)
Reece I thought your collection meant something to you beyond it seems you will spend anything to get any version of any album.

I'm into collecting for the sole purpose of having everything I can get ahold of from the band. I can care less if my collection has a huge price value or not. It matters in my heart...It's my love for the band. Plus think of all the others who can't afford all these oop releases. This is a brilliant idea.

Just add a booklet to the Digis and I'll be happy :D
They must release them TGCD-box style! No wait, even better, make it a bit slimmer and add a bookletholder (and a booklet ofcorz)! :D
LifeDepraved said:
Reece I thought your collection meant something to you beyond it seems you will spend anything to get any version of any album.

I'm into collecting for the sole purpose of having everything I can get ahold of from the band. I can care less if my collection has a huge price value or not. It matters in my heart...It's my love for the band. Plus think of all the others who can't afford all these oop releases. This is a brilliant idea.

Just add a booklet to the Digis and I'll be happy :D

truthfully the money doesnt matter.....its not like I plan on ever selling my collection......but its monetary worth is always of interest to me.......its like buying a sportscar that only 100 are made, working years to upgrade it to being the best one of its kind in the world......then finding out that another car company was going to make the same car with the same name with cheap upgrades.....then virtually anyone with even modest interest could have nearly your same car......

so I am happy for the band in many ways......its awesome to have these classics resurface for those who cant afford it otherwise.......but I am selfish and prideful....and want my collection to stay way ahead of the is the only thing that sets me apart from the rest of all humans.....I do have the biggest collection in all the world......and of course it will stay that way.....

Then you have nothing to worry about. Unless they start printing up their old demos again and selling them in magazines, and finding a box of old flyers and passing them out to people...or remake the white versions of FFTC limited to 500,000...and more non glossy SOD limited to 55 which I don't think it would sell out.

Ok I say too much.
quoting Eve:


rain wihtout end finally at an affordable price? not having it just made me feel like a poor poor man!
LifeDepraved said:
Pretty cool. But I hate Peaceville's Digipaks :(

There better be a booklet.
Well, I would think with "linear notes" they would include a booklet. But then again I guess they don't have to.
Good news :) I've always been interested in hearing Rain Without End, so now I'll get a chance.

But I don't want new artwork on BMD, so I guess I've just got to go out and buy the old version (I have the purple vinyl, but not the CD). The tracks from Sounds of Decay are on Brave Yester Days, so I don't need those either.

I also hate Peaceville reissue digipaks :mad: But just like Kev, I'll be happy if they just include a decent booklet.
Very happy this is happening. I do not really care whether it is a re-issue/digipack. Hopefully I can now find a copy of "Rain Without End" and "Ravendusk in My Heart"? (or was that last one released on another label Peaceville did not bought the rights of?)

edit: Yes "Ravendusk in my Heart" was not on Avantgarde, but on Adipocere...
I feel similarly to the way Reece does about this -- it's kind of disappointing that items owned will lose their value, but it's good that the rights to their recordings are owned by the band's label now, and it's good that the music will once more be available to those who are interested in buying it.
This is pretty cool news, though I already have all original CD's. Finally they put Brave Murder Day on one CD with SOUNDS OF DECAY like it should be.
shadowNINE said:
I feel similarly to the way Reece does about this -- it's kind of disappointing that items owned will lose their value,
Why, the originals and re-issues will be clearly distinguishable, so the originals will still be just as exclusive.. You would have a point if the re-issues would be identical to the originals..
so i guess now is the time to get those diabolikal masquerade albums if i want the originals (which i do)

why the fuck did i forget my "ravendusk" on a bus

the only albums that REALLY needed a re-release were the two october tides though, as all the other stuff is readily available