peavey 6505 o xxx. what should i buy?


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
hey guys

finally i have the money to buy one of this amps , i have the chance to buy a brand new 6505 or the xxx that has 2 years and new tubes.

need some advice please!

what should i do?

could anyone record some clips please?

The XXX is a great amp and can rival a Mesa Dual Rec, but I find the 6505 to be more versatile and my favorite tone overall. All of the Backmask stuff is 6505.
If you're having trouble deciding between those two, check out the Jsx. Great amp, some traits of both. I really like them. (Don't own one sadly)
I'd go for the XXX, i just recently traded my 5150 mkI to a XXX and the XXX sounds way better. They actually sound quite alike but the XXX has sweeter highs, better lows and has a more compressed sound=better,
