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when will people realise that "having sex with people who aren't 18" and "paedophilia" are two completely different concepts
DE said:
when will people realise that "having sex with people who aren't 18" and "paedophilia" are two completely different concepts
thank you for being the only inteligent person here
this was kind of my original point to begin with
Norsemaiden said:
You should define really really young LRD
maybe he doesn't have to, maybe if a girl (or a guy) is biologically old enough to recieve orgasmic pleasure from sex their old enough to be allowed to experience that pleasure
tr_ofdallas said:
maybe he doesn't have to, maybe if a girl (or a guy) is biologically old enough to recieve orgasmic pleasure from sex their old enough to be allowed to experience that pleasure
maybe if you're old enough to pull a trigger you should be given a gun so you can shoot people.

again and again: without comprehending the consequences, you are inviting catastrophe by encouraging this asinine behavior.
Kenneth R. said:
maybe if you're old enough to pull a trigger you should be given a gun so you can shoot people.

again and again: without comprehending the consequences, you are inviting catastrophe by encouraging this asinine behavior.
are you familiar with Simon Fear? he said "once a soul becomes knowlegeable and fully understands the consequences of his/her actions, then there should be no other soul telling the knowlegeable soul what he/she cannot do" and "all age restrictions shall be reduced to one universal" and "all laws and their punishments shall become universal"
and what does our buddy Simon have to say about just exactly WHEN this universal age shall be? it seems from your quote that he's agreeing with me, not you.

"once a soul becomes knowledgeable and FULLY UNDERSTANDS the CONSEQUENCES"

which, by the way, is not at age 8, 9, or whenever you seem to be insinuating.
Scott W said:
Im hoping that by quoting this, we can get back on topic a bit. Thats really interesting, I studied very little of history for my degree. So, my next question to you is, what should we do about it? Or is there anything we can do about it? I assume you would say that there will always be pedophiles in our societies, so we probably cant prevent it. How then do we cope with it in a society that will never be accepting of it as ancient cultures were.

It is apparent to me that throughout time, for every possible sexual appetite that could exist, there is someone who wishes to exercise it. My point in saying ancient cultures would often have men take young boys as sexual partners was to illustrate that the evil contingent in paedophilia is more social that universal. In modern times paedophilia is no longer a social norm, and its practice is now predatory instead of benevolent. My belief is that in todays world the sexual interference with children is abhorrent, we do not have the social structures to account for such deviance and the practice of it is seedy and sickening. What consenting adults do in private (regardless of how distasteful it may seem to the majority) is their own business, but when an adult actively seeks out and attacks physically and mentally a child then we need to find said adults and punish them fully.
Kenneth R. said:
and what does our buddy Simon have to say about just exactly WHEN this universal age shall be? it seems from your quote that he's agreeing with me, not you.

"once a soul becomes knowledgeable and FULLY UNDERSTANDS the CONSEQUENCES"

which, by the way, is not at age 8, 9, or whenever you seem to be insinuating.
I know Simon Fear and I know that those quotes were from before he got married. Those quotes are about how marijuanna is safer than cigarrettes and driving BEFORE going into "the teen-aged clumsiness" instead of waiting till 16. well i was going to agree with the stuff tr ofdallas was saying except that fucking up those quotes seems to indicate she's gone crazy
Following the current direction of discussion, I would agree that children do have sexual interests at a young age, and I would have thought that sexual experimentation between young children (4-12 years say) was quite common. I know that I experienced it to some degree, although I think it would vary given the strictness of your upbringing and perhaps the beliefs you are taught. The presence of sexual interest in young children should be accepted, it is natural in most forms of mammalian young. It does not however imply the right for adults to engage in sexual activity with children.

Point in the second, just because a young child or teenager may be physically pleasured by a sexual incounter with an adult, does not imply that they can't be hurt emotionally or psychologically by it.

Point in the third, it is nice to link our behaviour to ancient culture and nature... and fundamentally we are governed by nature, and the instincts and urges it wires into us. Part of our nature however, is society which in many ways seeks to defy what is natural. In some ways our society strengthens us, and in others it defeats us because it forces us to separate ourselves from our instinctual behaviours and in turn sexual relationships become more and more defunct. I believe this is what leads to abnormal sexual behaviour, which is what I would term pedophilia... if a pedophile was able to be satisfied in normal relationships and sexual interactions then I don't see why they would continue their behaviour.
Final_Product said:
It is apparent to me that throughout time, for every possible sexual appetite that could exist, there is someone who wishes to exercise it. My point in saying ancient cultures would often have men take young boys as sexual partners was to illustrate that the evil contingent in paedophilia is more social that universal. In modern times paedophilia is no longer a social norm, and its practice is now predatory instead of benevolent. My belief is that in todays world the sexual interference with children is abhorrent, we do not have the social structures to account for such deviance and the practice of it is seedy and sickening. What consenting adults do in private (regardless of how distasteful it may seem to the majority) is their own business, but when an adult actively seeks out and attacks physically and mentally a child then we need to find said adults and punish them fully.
I wasnt disagreeing with your assertion, I just wanted you to elaborate. Im still not sure what you think should be done (ideally). Is it better for society to be accepting of the idea of older men with boys to get rid of the predatory element, or is the predatory element a derivation of progress in society, and thus an intrinsic part that must be dealt with?
we should start the conversation from the beginning. I think we ve lost track!
Pedofilia nowadays means taking advantage sexually of children that are not mature enough to realize their actions. not about 15 year old youngsters that probably are ready to take the step(i was at least and nobody accused my 18 yo lover for a pedophile).
i think both cases are unacceptable and should be deterred if possible. i was not "sheltered" or brought up in a strict house. i just had no interest in sexual matters until later on, when i understood what it meant.
Kenneth R. said:
i think both cases are unacceptable and should be deterred if possible. i was not "sheltered" or brought up in a strict house. i just had no interest in sexual matters until later on, when i understood what it meant.

Why do you think this exactly? (Just as a matter of curiosity).
Shiny McShining Rodriguez said:
Following the current direction of discussion, I would agree that children do have sexual interests at a young age, and I would have thought that sexual experimentation between young children (4-12 years say) was quite common. I know that I experienced it to some degree, although I think it would vary given the strictness of your upbringing and perhaps the beliefs you are taught. The presence of sexual interest in young children should be accepted, it is natural in most forms of mammalian young. It does not however imply the right for adults to engage in sexual activity with children.

Point in the second, just because a young child or teenager may be physically pleasured by a sexual incounter with an adult, does not imply that they can't be hurt emotionally or psychologically by it.

Point in the third, it is nice to link our behaviour to ancient culture and nature... and fundamentally we are governed by nature, and the instincts and urges it wires into us. Part of our nature however, is society which in many ways seeks to defy what is natural. In some ways our society strengthens us, and in others it defeats us because it forces us to separate ourselves from our instinctual behaviours and in turn sexual relationships become more and more defunct. I believe this is what leads to abnormal sexual behaviour, which is what I would term pedophilia... if a pedophile was able to be satisfied in normal relationships and sexual interactions then I don't see why they would continue their behaviour.
in response to the 1st paragraph
Kenneth R is clearly and unmistakably "the exception that proves the rule"

in response to the 2nd paragraph
the cheezy cliche "because I'm older" doesn't really work in the real world
especially when it comes to psychology and sexuality
when it comes to sexuality being a parent totally fucks up your ability to deal with it rationaly (the most obvious example when straight people have tons of gay/lesbian freinds they always end up having children and even though everybody knows being gay is a gene the parent with gay freinds realizes or is told that their 15-20 year-old kid is gay and they're always seriously freaked out about it even the people they've been hanging out with for 25-30 years are the most flamboyant of the gay people) when it comes to psychological maturity my generation seems more psychologically mature than their deteriorating or fucked up to begin with parents especially the mothers because it's been proven that going through pregnancy with childbirth and menopause are both things that severely and irrevocably change a female's phsyche (if you don't believe me go to any of the plethora of sites that are similar to

in response to the 3rd paragraph
the instinct to be sexual with a child is in and of itself evil because it is intinctual the same as being gay/lesbian it is only the modern societal constructs that make these men become evil people in order to be able to satisfy their instinctivel sexual impulses
also there was a female psychology/biology doctor who says that the pedophile instinct is more common in women than men but that men are sexually impulsive because a man's orgasm is neccassary for the reproduction of the species, but because a woman's orgasm isn't biologicaly neccassary for reproduction, women instinctively suppress sexual impulses in order to fit into a societal structure (except nymphomaniacs) and that a woman's pedophilistic fantasies remain nothing more than fantasies with the obvious exception of Mary-Kay Lataerneau (spell?)
Scott W said:
I wasnt disagreeing with your assertion, I just wanted you to elaborate. Im still not sure what you think should be done (ideally). Is it better for society to be accepting of the idea of older men with boys to get rid of the predatory element, or is the predatory element a derivation of progress in society, and thus an intrinsic part that must be dealt with?
ideally we should be able to go back to the way europe was before we started coming across the atlantic, in terms of how young you could be on your wedding day, with the addition of being able to seperate "love" from "orgasm" and totally get rid of the concept of monogomy
does anybody remember the name of the female sex doctor thatwent around claiming she fucks at least 3 different guys in any randomly given week??? I'm going crazy not remembering her name cuz i remember some stuff she said

"monogomy doesn't work in the real world because it doesn't matter how much you you think you 'love' someone, monogomy will eventually become monotonus, it's just human nature, it's in our DNA. History clearly shows that monogomy would never have been cappable of existing without religion, and of course all religions are nothing more than cults that are used as crutches for the psychologically deficient to cope with concepts such as the finality of death"

I really do know that this shit is way off-topic but I mentioned this woman because I think this might have been the same woman that talked about more women having pedophilistic impulses than men
Scott W said:
I wasnt disagreeing with your assertion, I just wanted you to elaborate. Im still not sure what you think should be done (ideally). Is it better for society to be accepting of the idea of older men with boys to get rid of the predatory element, or is the predatory element a derivation of progress in society, and thus an intrinsic part that must be dealt with?

I have no real answer. The predatory element cannot just be removed, because society is never going to accept paedophilia in any form. With regards to what should be done; I think paedophilia, as a thought or sexual preference is not intriniscally wrong, but more contextually wrong and given our current context, it remains abhorrent. That would lead me to say a zero tolerance approach is the best. The sexual interference with a child is one of the most disgusting thing imaginable in modern times and I believe anyone caught doing so should be thoroughly punished, although I will admit my working class sensibilites would urge me to say they need put in a locked room with the father of the child they abused for half an hour of severe physical beating.
Final_Product said:
I have no real answer. The predatory element cannot just be removed, because society is never going to accept paedophilia in any form. With regards to what should be done; I think paedophilia, as a thought or sexual preference is not intriniscally wrong, but more contextually wrong and given our current context, it remains abhorrent. That would lead me to say a zero tolerance approach is the best. The sexual interference with a child is one of the most disgusting thing imaginable in modern times and I believe anyone caught doing so should be thoroughly punished, although I will admit my working class sensibilites would urge me to say they need put in a locked room with the father of the child they abused for half an hour of severe physical beating.
what if all the pedophiles on the planet were put into the same spot (perhaps those specific islands in Fiji where no man has ever stepped foot) would they actually be able to create "their own society" where pedophilia is SOP to the point of being a totally non-traumatic part of every day life???
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